Late comers...

He told us that Mary Fielding Smiths son was Joseph F. Smith (one of our deceased LDS prophets). He was a troubled child while growing up and it was hard for the brethren of the church to go on preaching and trying to progress with the work of the Lord while Joseph F. Smith was acting crazy. So the brethren gathered and came up with a conclusion that they would just send Joseph on a mission. Joseph was called to serve a mission at the age of 15.... HOLY COW I know that'd be impossible for me when I was 15, but Joseph F. Smith had to be forordained to do this. He was called to the island of Hawaii and the Sandwich Islands...and that my friend is how the gospel reached many of the Polynesian islands. =) What a blessing right??!! I was so excited to learn that on Saturday. From becoming a missionary for the church at such a young age he lived and learned so much, it led him to being a prophet, seer, and revelator. With out Joseph F. Smith serving his mission it'd definitely risk chances of having the gospel and it's blessings in my life. I'm sure many people know that but that was my first time ever hearing that........ =)
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