This past weekend was one full of excitement, inspiration, and a lot of family bonding (which I never ever mind having). My first cousin Eli (Wolfgramm) graduated with [honors] from the University of Phoenix with his MASTERS in Business Administration. He’s the first of us grandkids to actually reach the extent of a degree (I think), therefore he had a dance in His behalf on Friday night. It seemed very special because it was really just his immediate family….those really close to him. We knew that because everyone there pretty much already knew each other either through marriage or through childhood. It was very special.

the twins and their grandpa Makanesi

Saturday was the actual graduation held at the E Center. Because all of us first cousins on my mothers side have all been raised around each other we’re all pretty close, therefore you know we were all there to support Eli on his awesome accomplishment.

After his graduation and a million pictures followed a lunch at the famous Brazilian restaurant, Rodizios, held in the Trolley Square mall. Eli served his mission in Brazil so that explained it. If you haven’t been to a Brazilian BBQ restaurant you have no idea what you’re missing out on. Since I’ve been to my first Brazilian restaurant (Rodizios) 14 years ago for my cousin Tinas 17th birthday it has been my favorite. It’s a bit pricy but I don’t mind at all spending money there especially since it satisfies my hunger as perfectly as it does EVERY SINGLE TIME I go whether its Rodizios, Braza, or Tucanos!! I knew Elis eating would have to be at one of these restaurants so I was all about supporting this cause especially since it was for him receiving his masters degree haha…
As we were on our way to Rodizios it took me back to the last time I had been there. My 15th birthday…. With Uncle Tim.
So many memories ran through my head in the short 15 minute ride from the E center to downtown Salt Lake. Memories of uncle Tim who had passed away about 3 years ago from a heart attack. Uncle Tim is my moms first cousin who was practically like her own brother. Him and his family, who still reside in Huntington Beach, California have always been such a special family to us. I know a lot of the reason why is because the love that Uncle Tim and my mother had for one another, it definitely brought and kept both our families close. Everything important to our family Uncle Tim and Aunty Beckie have supported us and have always loved my siblings and I as one of their own. I have many fond memories of Uncle Tim, but one of my favorites was my 15th birthday.
For some odd reason I have the worst luck on my birthday… there is ALWAYS some kind of death or funeral held on or during my birthday, if not a funeral then something real dramatic. That year in particular was my mom’s uncle Henrys funeral (married to my grandfathers sister Leveni). Since it was my mom’s ‘fahus’ husbands funeral (did ya get that? Lol) it was our place to be in the kitchen cooking and cleaning the house as families would come over in honor and respect of Uncle Henry…and all the other cultural things that take place at a Tongan funeral. Anyway, I was a bit depressed because honestly I didn’t plan on being at a funeral on my birthday….I mean seriously, who does?? Lol
That day of my birthday after going straight to the house after school and cleaning up Uncle Tim asked me if I wanted to go for a ride with him and my mom. Normally I would say NO because running ‘funeral errands’ always meant going to 5 different stores and picking up groceries at each of them because the last store didn‘t carry everything….which I hate doing because it’s so time consuming. I didn’t want to go at first but Uncle Tim insisted. After driving around for about 5 minutes he asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday. I was shocked he even knew haha. I was pretty excited- trust me you’d be excited too after being stuck at the house cleaning and doing what seemed like it at the time ‘nonsense demands’ from everyone older….or in other words PU’Is. Haha
Not even thinking I quickly said Rodizios…..actually I think I was thinking because I was so sick of funeral food. Haha after saying “Rodizios” I laughed and said “just kidding”
Uncle Tim: Why?
Me: It’s way too expensive…
Uncle Tim: And? What’s your point?
Me: I don’t know
Uncle Tim: If that’s what you want on your birthday that’s where we’re going!
This is how I always remembered my Uncle Tim. Anything and everything, not only me, but anyone wanted that would make them feel more comfortable he’d go out of his way to do…especially with my mother and us kids. He was the most selfless person. Such a big heart and unwavering faith in God. Not to mention my “gadget” uncle. He always had the coolest gadgets out, I loved it, this uncle was the one actually doing the “skoolin’ on the newest technology AND he knew how to fix eeeevverything it was amazing.
I love Brazilian food but honestly since Uncle Tim has passed it’s still a bit hard for me to go back to Rodizios because it reminds me of him so much. I understand the plan of salvation and everything, and know that according to our righteousness and obedience here on earth we’ll return to Heaven and see Uncle Tim again along with the rest of our family members that have passed before…..but it still hurts to think that he really is gone. Since he’s passed I’ve been able to become a lot more closer to Aunty Becky and the boys (4 boys: Sam- My age, Johnny-20, James and Michael in high school) and they’ve been such a blessing in my life. They’ve introduced me and my family to some pretty amazing people and that I am grateful for. =) Everything happens for a reason, I find that to be very true.
Going to Rodizios definitely filled me up to the point that I couldn’t even walk anymore because I ate so much. Elis graduation today made us as a family very proud of him. He’s definitely inspired so many of us in the family to reach for higher education, made us all realize it’s all worth it. Today made me happy… It brought back so many sweet memories of uncle Tim. Today made me reflect on how I can be a better person inside and out, to be like Uncle Tim and put ‘others’ and the way they’re feeling before me. It was a great reminder and something definitely to keep in mind. =)
“The joys come from putting the welfare of others before our own…”
-President Henry B. Eyring
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