Sunday, May 16, 2010

{{hAppY biRthDaY iN HOUSTON}}

Is it really necessary to have a huge extravagant birthday party that requires the costs of thousands and thousands of dollars?? I always thought it was okay to throw parties but to go all out I thought it was just plain stupid! lol.. probably because we've had so many parties and the preparation and take down just exhaust the heck out of me. I didn't like all the unnecessary money that went into it. I always figured... "why not just give all that money being spent on the celebration to the birthday person??" that's what I would want at least. But that all changed a few weeks ago when I went to Houston for a show.

I got the call about 2 months ago for a show in Houston. After almost 6 months of NO shows... NO travelling... I accepted the offer in a hurry. Fast money is always nice isn't it? haha I must admit besides the time performing on stage the pay has to be the most missed thing about dancing on the road. =/ When called for a job we're never told what it's for. Not that it ever matters and we care... we're just going to do our job and get back, never expecting anything more. This time was a little different and a little eye opener.....

My cousin Teresa and her small adorable family reside in good ol' Houston so that was definitely a bonus, to go to Houston (mind you... home of songbird BEYONCE KNOWLES!!!), perform, get paid, and see family I don't get to see much.... YAAAY!!! My aunt Wynnie who had booked the show picked us up from the airport and briefed us all about what was going on and what needed to be done. We practiced that night for what we were doing the next day... oh how I could feel the pain of not dancing forever, a feel good kind of pain though. The pain that I missed the last 6 months. The next day we rested and headed out to the show....

Normally if our shows aren't for businesses or conventions they're residential shows, meaning they're for "high rollers" that live in big gorgeous houses you'd see on MTV's Cribs. I try and learn something new and gain a different experience from every show. I'm use to the business conventions or business parties or anniversaries...etc...etc... but this one was a 'first timer'. If you've ever seen any episode of MTV's 'My Super Sweet 16' this was exactly one of those, except it was for 12 year old girl!!!! What the heck right?? lol Well it was nice anyway...
She picked up her friends in a big white stretched limo. Went shopping in Houston. Had lunch and played games at Dave & Busters. (can i just say that i am dying for a Dave & Busters here in's so much fun) A pool party from 4-6p. Followed by an authentic Hawaiian luau. It was amazing. Lots of people. Tons of good food...not to mention southern BBQ ribs that fell off the meat. (YUM). Lots of drinks. and great company.

The African American family that hosted the party (sadly I can't recall their names =/) were pretty well off. Huge land and a beautiful home, yet they were very humble. I must say that this is what I admire the most about African American people, they are some God fearing people, which amazes me. I love it. Anyhow, it still had me wondering, why throw such a big party? I talked to the mother after and she answered my question even though I would never have asked her what i was thinking. She said that Yes they were pretty well off but they don't spend money on unnecessary things. That the only thing they ever spend big on are her kids birthday parties. Right then it hit me..... I then came to the understanding... If you have the money, WHY NOT?? If you can afford it, go for it. If you are capable of it, execute it no matter what the situation is! I don't have a child but I can clearly imagine going the extra mile and throwing a party for someone I love so much with no questions asked. So glad that she had reopened and detoured my thoughts of people just trying to show off by spending so much money on different occasions. But that's just's an 'occasion'......something definitely worth celebrating.

Just seeing the joy that we had brought to the crowd that night and how much fun they were having is ALWAYS priceless. I love traveling and being able to share my talent with others. I establish great friendships through traveling and dancing, it's definitely my first love. I know that when I do have a family I will incorporate dancing in raising them. By my parents raising me that way I learned so much of my heritage and culture living here in America. Thank you to my Houston friends for opening my mind like you did. I came to realization again that there are really good people in this insane world. I realized that it's not so much of the spending money and trying to show off when throwing a party, it's celebrating the joy that one has brought into someone else' life. Thank you Dawn (<<---i just remembered the mothers name haha) for such an enjoyable time and awesome party. My night couldn't have gotten any better with Lakers win and my $100 tip!! ;) Gotta love it....

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