Sunday, May 16, 2010

** Prom Night **

Unfortunately not for me, those days are long gone and over for me. (insert SAD face). It was my little sister, Frankies prom. She's been stoked about it because this was her first prom and of course like every girl, she wanted everything perfect that day. But because Frankie is a lot more humble than I am it wasn't too hard to meet her needs. I think the only thing she was actually worried about was pleasing everyone in the group and making sure each one of them would have a blast prom night. Not only because that's the kind of person she is but because the girls in her group (Sweets, Loi, and Saane) are all seniors!!

Frankie is one of the most humble and giving person that I know of. Your first prom is a pretty big deal. For me prom meant NEW dress. NEW shoes. NEW jewelry. NEW hairstyle. NEW experience. NEW everything.... after Frankies first prom experience it taught me a lesson that all that "NEW" stuff did not matter at all.
I'm sure Frankie would have enjoyed a brand new dress from any bridal/prom shop but being the simple person she is she asked mom to sew her her first prom dress.(*Mom made a lot of my dresses during my reign of Miss Tonga Utah for appearances. She's not the best seamstress but this lady sure knows how to sew what we ask for, and THAT I am thankful for.*) Anyhow Frankie gave Mom the style she wanted and it fit her perfectly. Simple and Elegant. =)
After about 30 different conversations as to what they were going to do for their prom activity Tangi and I took it into our own hands (with the help of our Email List) and planned their whole day. LOL Both Tangi and I hold callings in our wards that deal with planning activities so the activities were pretty legit, at least that's what we thought haha. We split the group up into 2 teams and had em do a VIDEO SCAVENGER HUNT. The videos were hilarious to watch, I'm glad the kids put effort into the videos. (i will post em soon)

During the scavenger hunt we didn't really have anything planned so Robyn treated us to do our nails. Fun stuff i tell ya... Thank You Aunty Robyn ;-)

We then got home and the girls were there waiting for us to get ready. Our little prom professional crew had it on lock. We (Tangi, NeeYah, and Me) covered hair, makeup, and accessorizing. It was fun, it reminded me a lot of when Tangi and I went to prom; except we did everything ourselves. lol...
After we finished with the girls they looked like they were ready to RIP THE RUNWAY!! hahaha I had tons of fun preparing them for this day and having them step out when their dates got to the house was priceless. After their prom they came back home where we had their bonfire up and ready to make s'mores and hang out. I hope these kids had a good time.

Hilamani and Frankie

Fili and Sweets

Allstar and Loi

Saane and Andrew

Group shot... =)


girls with Tangi.....

me and the girls...

I'm glad that I got to help out with things and learn from Frankies experience that it's not all about the new dress, shoes, jewelry, etc...etc.. but it's more about having fun, doing with what you have, and most importantly always keeping a positive attitude.


  1. Frankie looked stunning!! they all did and the boys are so handsome too! Your a good sister Leta!!! love and miss you all!

  2. Your tellin me! All my dresses I wore were BORROWED! LOL- you guys did a beautiful job with the girls, they ALL looked amazing and gorgeous!... ya'll should have your own show. Lol. Nfr.

    I say..... i give u a batch of pumpkin cookies and you do my hair and makeup for my wedding eh leta? LOL- just kidding.

    Good job girl!

  3. Shoot know tangi and i got you and your whole line ONLY if it's rob!! LOL
