It's a bit late but with all the wonderful things that Mothers do, mine especially, I believe it really should be acknowledged daily!! =) I love my mother for everything that she is, she has definitely been a huge part of molding me into the person I am today. Of course we have our ups and downs but our relationship wouldn't be nearly as strong if it weren't for those ups and downs. And regardless of what goes on in my life i know that I can ALWAYS turn to this lady for anything. I hope one day I can make as big as an affect on my children as she did to us...
Thank You Mommy.....
Thank you Mom for giving birth to me.
Thank you Mom for your acceptance and guidance regardless of the silly decisions I make.
Thank you Mom for your unwaivering faith in God.
Thank you Mom for revolving every decision in raising us children around gospel principles.
Thank you Mom for playing YOUR role as the "AT HOME" mother nurturing us in every way; knowing you were home if I called home sick from school (or even at work now haha) always gives me that sense of security you'd always be there.
Thank you Mom for listening to my problems and still accepting me with them.
Thank you Mom for your undying patience....especially in dancing and performing.
Thank you Mom for your knowledge and testimony of the gospel that strengthens me each time we talk.
Thank you Mom for KNOWING my full potential and always pushing me to be a better person.
Thank you Mom for all the yummy meals that have made me look soooo healthy and not being able to fit my size 3 jeans anymore...haha
Thank you Mom for always willing to hear ME and what I have to say.
Thank you Mom for the sacrifices you have made and still make in our families behalf.
Thank you Mom for the LONG talks and the blunt....straight forward.... advice you give even when I don't want to hear it. I look at it as tough love. ;)
Thank you Mom for loving me unconditionally even when things I do make it so difficult to love me!!

My Mother Sola LaVona Fau'olo is amazing in so many ways. There aren't enough words to express how grateful I am for her.... I LOVE YOU MOM!!
Tears!! Thank you baby girl!! When I found out I was carrying you, I begged Heavenly Father to help me raise you to be what you are today.. Thank you for acknowledging me but the credit is given to our Heavenly Father who gives me patience to continue being a mother... Sorry for my mistakes!! know that my hearts are you my children... love you sooooo much... MOM