Friday, May 21, 2010

->my SELF is WORTH IT<-

I use to be a magazine freak always catching up on the latest celebrity gossip. After being inspired by a few books written by authors of my religion such as... "No Doubt About It" by Sheri Dew..... Spencer W. Kimballs "Miracle of Forgiveness"..... "The Holy Temple" by Gordon B. Hinkley.....and other church magazines I began to lose all my interests in those celebrity gossip magazines. I mean... it's not like I knew what those celebrities were going through or knowing how they felt with all that money,let alone the paparzzi following me right?? lol I pretty much gained nothing from reading those and found myself envying every little thing in there. Taking tips from and foolishly believing "fashion police" in those magazines about what NOT to wear or something terrible will happen. Or I shouldn't do this or that because that's not what Lindsey Lohan would do.....okay well look at her now. lol.... or eating nasty food because I had to be a size 0.... ugh- ANNOYING! Then I found myself spending money unwisely on things in those magazines that were far from a necessity. NO GOOD. On the other hand reading my 'church' books really hit me and related to many different points and issues I face daily. So basically all my thoughts on store bought magazines were pretty negative and I promised I'd never buy another 'garbage' (store bought) magazine......


My cousin Tina introduced me to "SELF" magazine. 

I absolutely love this magazine. It gives great advice on and self challenge and motivation. I love it. I mean the other magazines did that but SELF magazines focus is pretty much on YOU and what will help YOU live healthier, better, and happier. I need that little push. The articles I've read so far in it have been pretty motivating and I'm much more determined to keep fit and....... EAT RIGHT!  
[My biggest problem] 

Although I find myself still spending money unwisely here and there, spending $3.99 a month on SELF that actually inspires and motivates me to live healthier and better makes it all worth it!! =)

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