Thursday, May 20, 2010

*HappY 23rD tO mY bOyS*

Growing up there were 4 of us first cousins all the same age. I considered myself very lucky. Not only did I have 3 people I knew would be my Ride or Die soldiers no matter what....I was the only girl of the four. Oh how I count my blessings each day. ;)haha

There was Ofa....the oldest. born in February. Always the responsible one and the obedient one....until now. ;) lol j/k

Then March. Pretty much the leader/mastermind and the mouthpiece for our little crew. (trouble right?) haha

Then..... there was ALEX (a.k.a Leki)
Walter (a.k.a. Walt....Wizzo...whatever ghetto cool names there are right??) haha

Born MAY 20, 1987.

These 2 are similar in so many ways yet so different in so many ways.

Walter is the big bear. the softy. the one any of us can talk to knowing he's truly listening and feeling whatever you're going through no matter the situation. very understanding and extremely PATIENT. I love our BIG WIZZO!!

Alex is the crazy one. When he sets his mind to something......that's it. You can always count on Alex to tell you the truth and speak his mind (especially when he's feelin all kinds of good... LOL). He's most open minded about anything and ALWAYS willing to help anyone out.

They both have the biggest warmest hearts and are forever giving. They make me laugh every time we see each other. They are so selfless especially when it comes to Ofa and I. Most of all though.... they are a blessing in my life and I have definitely learned from the relationship I hold with each of them.


Grateful the Lord blessed you both with another year!!! Choose the Right!

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