Thursday, July 1, 2010

[happy 50th birthday Aunty Lita]

My Aunty Matelita ((LITA)) Olive is my mothers younger sister. Ever since we were little Aunty Lita has always been the aunty that took our side whenever we got in trouble or were disciplined by our parents. She always had a little stash of goodies in her room and would secretly call her 'favorites' at the time to get some. I was always in that room.... haha As I grew older I began to appreciate aunty Lita a lot more, I can talk to her about anything and can always count on her to give me great advice without being a judgmental aunt (not that ANY of my moms sisters are like that to me that's why I love them so so much). Also because when my grandfather passed away about 16 years ago he left my widowed grandmother and lucky for grandma Ika, Aunty Lita never married so she has been by her side since. Her and my grandmother need each other to cooperate it seems at times, but I love it. I love Aunty Litas company whenever she comes around. I love her straight forwardness and her little comments and RANDOM REMARKS make me Laugh Out Loud and smile all the time.

Just this year she was diagnosed with cancer and since she found out it's been  an emotional roller coaster for her. June 21st marked her 50th birthday so my mother wanted to do something special for her, something to cheer her up. My moms siblings and all their kids gathered for a surprise birthday party for Lita last Monday. She loved it and we had a blast celebrating her life.... I love you Aunty Lita. Know that I appreciate your love, kindness, an wisdom. I wish for many more years with you!! =)
 Happy Birthday Aunty Lita

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