Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[[ GRADITUDE is the best attitude ]]

I'm grateful for this time of the year, it's my favorite. In fact, Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday. I love the feeling of being "grateful" for what I have. There's so much to be thankful for, I could go on and on and on... but I won't. Besides the usual of being grateful for my family and good friends, these are just a few that stuck out very clear to me this year.....

Those in the armed forces, who protect our freedom in this country. Not only the active military serving now but as well as all those that have died in behalf of our counrty and our freedom...
MY own freedom.
I mean I've always been thankful for our military men and women,
but not quite as much as I do now.
Just the fact of actually knowing someone I care about is out there on behalf of my freedom
changes my view on those in the armed forces. It's a different feeling, a greater, appreciation and respect.

I'm grateful for heated shelter and a warm cozy home.
Winter this year has just begun and the second day of snow, what do we get?? a flippin blizzard.
This snow storm here in Utah is crazy. It's freezing outside and I feel for anyone that is not sheltered at this time.
I'm glad that after a crazy day at work with delay after delay. Cancellation after cancellation due to the weather. Passenger after passenger crying that they need to get home because they don't want to be in an airport all day and night, I'm helpless, and can't do much for them. But I do realize that I am grateful and blessed because I'm able to come home to a nice, clean, warm home, with dinner ready.
Thank you mommy and daddy

I am thankful for CHURCH.
(you're probably thinking...this girl?? RIIIIGHT!!)
but i'm serious. I've mentioned in blogs prior that I haven't been able to attend a whole lot of church
due to my work schedule, and man do i haaaaate it. I never realized how blessed I was to be able to attend church because I had Sundays off until I was forced to work em.
I can tell you the difference I feel when I don't attend church regularly. It's like the more I miss it, the easier it gets to not go. Don't get me wrong, I've always had a testimony of the gospel that no one will ever take away from me, but at some points in my life it tends to weaken
because of poor decision making, but my testimony still remains. I know what's right and I intend on doing right.
I'm not justifying my actions or anything. In President Spencer W. Kimballs book 'The Miracle of Forgiveness' he says that..

"hell is paved with good intentions.....but good intentions won't get you into the kingdom of heaven" 

Sometimes good intentions isn't what I need to have and every time I begin to distance myself, I remember this quote and it quickly brings me back that, I need to take action.
I guess what I'm really getting to is, I miss church and the feeling it brings after attending it. My weeks are crazy with whatever goes on at work, home, my personal relationships, or just my life in general and all those that are in it. And being able to attend church really makes me
what's really important in life.
It helps me remember my whole purpose here on earth.

Thankfully, I was able to attend church this past Sunday and it was amazing. The high council spoke to us and normally...honestly I've always dreaded listening to any member of the high council because their talks always seemed so long. lol. Well clearly, it's always because I'm not there spiritually and mentally prepared waiting to hear what the message is. Well, this Sunday that changed a bit. I felt the message that was brought to us was totally meant for me. It was definitely the spirit speaking to my heart.

Just a little inside... With life being so hectic and people coming into and out of my life lately, I've felt like I've gotten further away from Christ. So far that I've forgotten that he's the one true person that knows me personally, more than anyone. More than my mother and more than my lover ;) lol
I've gotten so insecure about a lot of things.
One of em being able to participate in anything with church. I've faltered in that the past few months. I felt that I didn't really need to attend church, not only because I worked on Sundays, but also because
I didn't hold a calling anymore. =/
So, I didn't go, and began to not care.
Well, grateful I had the chance to sit there and receive the message I did on Sunday. I was reminded... refocused...and I remembered WHY I need God in my life.
(how stupid can I be to always forget?? =( )
I'd be so ungrateful if I didn't thank God for everything I have been blessed with.

I am grateful for Delta Airlines. [woot! woot!]
I'm fortunate to be employed by Delta Airlines. I don't make much money there at all. But I make enough to pay the bills and live my own life comfortably, where I have no room to complain.
I'm under the best management. I've met some pretty amazing people there and have established some of my favorite friendships there as well. I love it's flexibility, and am grateful for the opportunity that it gives me to see the world and enjoy Gods creations for almost dirt cheap....if it's not already free.
It's a great environment and I have a ton of fun.

I am very thankful for GOOD HEALTH.
how miserable would I be if I weren't as healthy I as I am today?? I mean, I could work out more and watch my bad eating habits...but other than that, I truly am grateful I am okay to function on my own, no illness..nothing. (and I haven't even gotten my flu shot this year haha)

Thank You God for trials and tribulations.
It is true that through it all, if it doesn't break you, it most definitely makes you......stronger.
That I can testify of. I've been on my own personal roller coaster with my own life, and I sit back and laugh just thinking of the crazy things I've been through.
I don't regret any of it one bit.
This trial though, is probably my most UN-regrettable decisions.
Not only with my own life but as well as someone elses. Someone that means so much to me, my best friend, my loverboy ;), and lets just say my pretty much everything. He's been there for me through everything (even my relationship with other guys lol) and although we've been through probably too much, lol, I still find myself so crazy about him. The past 6 months have definitely tested us and our love for each other. and after A LOT of trying to convince ourselves (okay myself lol)  we didn't want to be together and didn't love each other. We've given up on it.... we are going to be what we want to be and what we are.
The trials we've been through have made us stronger and I know will continue to make us stronger.
I love you babe! =)

Last....but definitely not least when it comes to being grateful.
I'm grateful for a loving family. Who doesn't agree with all my choices I make, but still love me, and can still put up with me. I'm grateful for the individual relationships I have with each one of em. They truly are the people that have molded me into the crazy person I am today. ;)
I'm lucky to have some pretty amazing friends. I don't consider too many people my close friends, but those that are close to me know who they are. And know I'm grateful for them.

I guess what this all comes down to is;
I'm pretty much grateful for my own life.
Leta's life.
As insane as it gets and as boring as I can be at times. I love it.
Like I said before I love the feeling of being thankful.
It's truly one of the best feelings in the world to be thankful for something and to have someone be thankful for something you've done.

Okay, I'm done blabbering......let's give thanks and get that turkey defrosted!! ;)

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!! =)

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