Monday, March 7, 2011

[I'm blessed, Yes]

Yesterday was Sunday. I didn't get the chance to attend church because I worked. I did have time though during my breaks and also when I got home to discuss different things with my parents that I've had on my mind. Things that I have reflected on and thought about many of times after a certain conversation I had with an old friend a few months ago that continues to boggle my mind. The thing I got out of that particular conversation though is that I've recognized my own blessings {BIG TIME} in my life when I compare it to hers...or anyone in that situation.

Within' the past 6 years my friend and her husband have become very wealthy because of his occupation. Financial security has never been a question for her before she married him and even til now, but she explained that although the money is great, and 'the life' is great, fun, and grand, the heartache isn't worth it most of the time. 

After hearing that and seeing the situation first hand, that kind of bothered me. I thought about a lot of things. I just brought it up to my parents and they agreed with me and the way I felt. 
My parents traveled a lot when they were younger dancing on the road. They were exposed to what we'd call it now days 'the good life.' My mom explained that they were never rich but the people they were constantly around were. And I could definitely attest to that with my own experiences on the road. the shows we do aren't for just anyone. They're for businesses and private parties for people with money, so I know what my mom's talking about. 
My hot sexy mama had many opportunities to marry a wealthy man that could provide her with fine things of the world. She said that as she looked back on her life, she's forever grateful for the faith and the prayers of her father while she was out on the road for many years. With all the different opportunities her and my father were exposed to as far as taking drugs and living a life with no morals she was grateful they didn't take advantage of it. And that even though we've been poor our whole lives, living a poor life with the gospel and it's influence in it, is most definitely preferable than the life the world calls 'living the dream' =/  

And that's so true, there's no competition there at all. Not one bit. I'd rather be a poor faithful woman with the gospel in my life, than a rich woman dealing with the heartache that comes with a lifestyle that doesn't include the gospel. I mean, shoot, I don't mind doing both but ya know what I mean??! haha

Knowing who you are, your purpose on earth, and living your life in a way to return to our father in heaven in the next life is the greatest knowledge. Like my mother, I'm grateful to my father for his faith, love, and perserverance in the gospel, and also the testimony he has of it. I am truly blessed. and...... 
Life is good..... =)


  1. I had a similar day yesterday.... :) Hope all is well Leta!!

  2. Just focus on you sis..and hey you can have it all can be a "rich" faithful woman with good strong family values...;) it is sad when certain professions can bring heartache, but I think that comes with everything and it is the person who is the heartache.. if your friends husband were poor would he be a different man? If your dad was rich would he be different? I've seen cheating and betrayal on levels at SkyWest and in the NFL. I don't always necessarily think its the is the person and the true goodness of their heart..:) love ya

  3. great post my dear. i totally agree; it's interesting how things turn out when we are doing whats right. just like the honor code situation that you posted earlier- i love it! sooooo grateful for goodly parents; love your mama, she done raised you right! :)

  4. Hi Leta, I saw your blog off Tangi's one...and just wanted to say what a great post this is. Amazing how our parents always seem to have the best experience and wisdom in areas of life we least expect. Hope you're well!
