Friday, April 22, 2011

[Friday Favorites: my GUITAR]

Do you find yourself, at times, just overwhelmed with emotions and ya don't really know what to do??

 Well, I always find myself that way whether it be mad, happy, sad, loved, frustrated, excited, nervous, or ready to take on the world.............but mostly frustrated and/or nervous.
I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to dwell on things that are pretty much 'waste time'. I don't hold least not for too long lol. I just don't like the feeling of having that kind of burden on me. So I'm pretty easy when it comes to forgiving (which in some cases can be dangerous for me [insert sad face] ) those that trespass me and screw me over....try to forget it.....forget it.....but I will always stay cautious of certain situations. And instead of dwelling on things that are out of my control I've found that turning to something really helps. 
For a while I wondered what that was. I could've turned to drugs like a lot of people do or some other kind of depressing thing but lucky for me I've always been surrounded by positive influences. Dancing has always been my way of getting any kind of emotions out. But now, since the travelling and shows have slowed down enormously in the past 2 years music and playing the guitar have moved into that #1 spot. And I absolutely love it, I don't mind it at all. I've found more things I am capable of and my creativity ability has broaden, it's pretty cool!! I still love dancing and that'll always be my first love but I enjoy finding new talents. =)

 When I need to unload my emotions I turn to my guitar since there are about 5-6 in my house. For some odd reason when I play it's my way of unloading everything whether my mood is positive or negative at the time. Once I start to play I just go to a whole different level and my mind, heart, and soul find peace. I love that feeling. You might think, why doesn't she just pray?? haha well...I do, this is just a different feeling and I'm okay with playing and unleashing on the guitar.  I mean, I'm not even nearly as talented at it as I wish I could be but it's I'm SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWLLY 
getting the hang of it and getting a little better. But big thanks to my ever so talented daddy (Frank) who always seems like he's ready to slap me when I can't find the right chords yet never ceases to give up teaching me. LOL I love playing with him and my brothers when we all just sit around the house and jam. I sure wish I could take them every where I go in life that way I can always find peace with them......but I can't so my horrible playing will have to do for now....haha one has seen this video because I've kept it locked up in my computer for the longest time because I was so insecure about showing it to anyone but it's all good since I only have 32 followers and I know em all so I'm not too shame to have it on here....haha But I remember making this video when I had tonz on my mind and couldn't really find a way to let it I unloaded by doing my hair....then playing LOL..

Before you press play: PLEASE EXCUSE all the mess ups on the guitar {told ya I wasn't pro}, my not giving My All on the singing {this was suppose to stay out of the view of YOU}, aaand the wrong lyrics {I honestly never listen to the song past the first verse hahaha} maybe if I could play nearly as amazing as Karina does on the piano I'd know the right lyrics lol........oh yeah and the double chin ;).....


  1. youre so talented. its almost annoying. hahaha just kidding but for real youre so talented! love it!

  2. I'm overwhelmed... can you come sing to me?

  3. Beautiful girl with a beautiful voice!! Keep doing your thang girl. Very talented!!

  4. leta you are sooo beautiful and talented i love that song and you did it wonderfully!

  5. Leta u sing so beautifully! -wish I had talent. Lol.
