Monday, April 11, 2011

[Just an Idea for my frustration]

So there are a lot of people and things that irritate the heck out of me. I mean I know I can be really...... like verrrryy......extremely annoying to those around me (especially my family) and even to those who don't know me, but what can I say that's just little ol' annoying me so whatever. lol... I try to remember that when others annoy me but i'm human and i forget....and then I get irritated and that leads to me getting upset. =/ No bueno. Well since blogging and keeping a personal journal is not only advised by church leaders but also very therapeutic I decided to have em both, to free my thoughts, achievements, failures, blah blah blah...all that good stuff.
When I was younger my cousin Tangi gave me the bright idea of having 2 different journals. One to write all the positive things in and one to just vent all my frustrations, kinda like a hate journal I guess. I took her advice and had 2 different ones....not such a great idea tang...cuz my mom ended up finding my "frustrations" journal because it was just a notebook (i didn't want to make it too obvious that that was a hate journal hahaha) and I got "the talk" after that like I was gonna commit suicide or something....hahaha. Which quite honestly, I've always loved my life way too much that that idea NEVER even crossed my mind. haha.... but anyway so after "the talk" from mom I never kept 2 journals. Later found out from Tangi that I'm suppose to take that "frustrations" journal and burn it......because really all those bad venting entries will mean in the end it wasn't too bad of an idea but to this day I still never had another "frustrations" journal. LOL...
Anyway, point of my story is that instead of unleashing all my frustrations through blogs and even in my own personal journals when I'm upset I take a step back.....and before I begin writing a turn on my 'Sunday Sounds' playlist. Just a mixture of all kinds of church music such as MoTab, One Voice, Musical Truth, etc... It really helps take away the frustration

of whatever and whoever is annoying me. hahaha... Do I have issues?? Uhhh maybe! LOL.
That bright idea came from this past week at work when Utahs bipolar weather was a bleh.... and almost every flight of the last bank came in late which led to me leaving work around 2AM. Anyway, with all the frustration that night my boss (DrEw) who also happens to be my cousin had a mixture of church and classical music playing in his office. Surprisingly it calmed my nerves....and work wasn't so bad after that. So I figured if that could make me feel that way then what better way to blog/write journal entries when frustrated to that particular kind of music??!! =) Geeez....I'm a genius right?? hahaha.. Nah j/k.... It really helps. Because I was full on irritated about something and someone that I wanted to just write a blog and blast this person.....but thanks to The Wolfgramm Sisters rendition of "Did You Think To Pray"....that blog didn't get published!!! ;) So try it when you're frustrated. i promise it helps, you'll even notice how blessed you are and realize that what you're facing at that time of frustration is just a moment. =)

This video always comes to mind when I write in my journal and it's so true. I love the way it makes me recognize His hands in my life every day. =) Try it.....

Happy Bloggin Ya'll


  1. "Where can I turn for Peace" really helps me but I really like your selections! Keep the blogging up! And I'm trying harder to do the same :-)

  2. Hey Leta, kudos to you and getting out your frustrations thru blogging. I heard on the radio that bloggers actually have a stronger influence on people than the influence of celebrities so let it out:) For me expressing myself thru writing has always been a good release and actually helps me figure out how to solve some of lifes most emotional and spiritual issues or just situations that may leave you feeling uncertain and unsettled. I think your very intelligent and so talented along with being naturally beautiful inside and out. Know how much our heavenly father loves you and cares for you. Take care and let's get together soon:) luv ya!
