Friday, September 9, 2011

[Friday Favorites: SLVR]

I don't know if I've ever mentioned how much i LOOOOVE shoes.
I'd much rather receive shoes than flowers or chocolates.
....besides...they last much longer.  

When I attended the Magic Show last month in Vegas I fell in love with fashion in a whole different way. I totally look at Mens Apparel different now. When a man can dress....oh my gosh.....that's so yummy. lol... The other thing I absolutely fell in love with SLVR wedges.
SLVR is a break off of Adidas, just more on the casual side than the sports side. 

They look good with cropped pants and blazers (my fave).
I'm not too much of a tennis shoe fan, but gimme tennis shoes ON HEELS and i'll rock em. ;) haha

I serioulsy need to get a pair of these........or any of you can get me a pair of these, if you're feelin generous. ;)
Have a Happy and Safe weekend.

(btw, i'm counting down my days til I'll be in NZ for the Rugby World Cup to meet my Rugby crush)

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