Sunday, September 4, 2011

[good, better, and BEST]

This was my agenda for this weekend. 
6am: Work 
6pm: Utes game
1030pm: Leave for camp.


7am: return from camp
11a: Wax appointment w/Tangi
3p: Catch flight to Oakland for concert w/Josh WaWa
(interviews/shows in LA.....if possible)

Show in Sacramento

Monday: Return

Well, like MANY of my weekends, that all changed Thursday night, so I just played by ear not knowing things would actually work out.
Thus far this weekend has been awesome, probably because it started a bit earlier than usual. Utes played Montana Thursday night for their first game [in the Pac 12]. It was pretty exciting to be back in [college] football mode. Shawn did great, only thing that sucked was when he had opened up the hole for our 2nd TD (still in 1st quarter), he kinda pulled his hamstring when he got up {insert sad face} so the coaches pulled him out that way he wouldn't do any more kind of damage and then not be able to play USC this weekend. But all in all he's fine and we won. {YIPEE}.

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After the game, just got a bite to eat at Village Inn. I use to be a fan of Dee's and Denny's for late night snacking but not anymore, it's definitely Village Inn (at least here in SLC), their french toast w/strawberries and whip cream are delicioso (whatever language that is lol). On my way home though I talked to Abe (Josh's manager who set up the show in Oakland) he told me that the show in Oakland had been canceled. Between feeling bummed {because room and board and good friends are always fun when its all free} and now excited {because I get to spend the weekend at HOME} I just couldn't complain because now I could attend my ward camp a lot longer than intended. Shawn and I were just gonna drive up but things didn't go as plan with that {insert the mad/frustrated/irritated/wanna just slap someone face lol} but I refused to not get to camp lol.
I ended up driving up to camp with some friends, and man, am I glad that I did that. Camp was awesome. There were a lot of new faces. Old faces that I'm glad I got to see. The spirit there was amazing. And the company and talent there just made camp perfect.

After camp, I came home and just slept the whole day and it felt so good. Remember my last post I mentioned I hadn't been gettin' much sleep?? Yeah...well i got to catch up on some ZzZzz's and just having nothing on my itinerary for 8 hours felt amazing. =) I then got up around 8:30p and took Pili to get some ice cream and junk food. (not good but he liked it haha) I got to clean my room, that happened to be a huge mess from all my traveling and taking this and that out of my drawers. Basically, my room was just completely trashed (GROSS) with clothes, shoes, jewelry, books, purses and bags, and hair tools eeeverywhere. I should've taken a pic of it, but instead I took a pic of my jewelry box. This seriously has been the best gift I've gotten for Christmas. My sister Frankie got me it because I was always misplacing jewelry and just needed a good BIG jewelry box.

Anyway, I got to clean, sort, and put everything away, and now I have room to actually walk around in there. haha... yay for me ;) I also got to catch up on some much needed reading. I've totally been slacking on my scripture reading. {insert DUMB face}. But I actually got to catch up on some and even read a few articles out of this months Ensign. One in particular entiteled Good, Better, Best stuck out the most to me (Sept. 2011 Ensign p. 6) because how busy I've become. And not that busy is a bad thing but because the activities I've chosen to take up started taking priority over what really should be my number one priority, my life's been so hectic and leaves me feeling like I have no time to do anything. After making my decision to not go to the bay for any of the shows or even to LA for some work, but instead to stay for camp, really gave me the opportunity to reflect on my life and what I NEED TO be doing. {insert guilty face lol}. There are always good, better, and best choices in our lives. The ones that involve putting the Lord first are always the best, and I hate that at times I tend to forget that =(  By choosing to stay for camp and attending church today I know I will be spiritually enlightened to help prepare me for a better week. Things will fall into place as I do make THE BASICS (prayer, scripture study, fasting, etc...) my priority again. 

No doubt I am truly blessed with the best. I may not show it but I am indeed grateful for everything I have from the smallest simplest things to the most complicating issues I face. I'm glad that I stay lame would my life be if I had all the time in the world to do nothing, and anything?! But I am in need of putting Him back at number one in my life. I need to, because I need things to fall properly into their place, or out of my life...and I know they will IF I do make the BEST decision as far as putting Him first. 

Happy Sabbath Yall... 

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