I'm kind of lost for words. I don't really have the right words.....except that I am grateful for TIME. Time for making memories, time for enjoying the tiniest things to the most dramatic things in life, time to experience, time to reflect on life in general, but most of all for
time to heal. Healing of emotions. I truly believe that if something happens or drives a wedge between you and someone you've been close to, it drives you apart, and talking doesn't solve anything......
time surely will. And that's exactly what happened to me last weekend upon my trip to Reno.

I got the chance to mend things with a very special person in my life. I've missed her dearly- we had such a big disagreement a few years ago that led to absence in each others lives. Missing out on so many important things in each others lives. Not being able to share each others griefs....or happiness. How frustrating is that when it's someone you've actually confided in right? haha something I NEVER thought would happen to us since we grew up. I hated the time we didn't talk...but as hard headed as we both were we knew things weren't gonna change, and me being so hard headed and selfish, I was content with that. {shame right? haha don't judge me} It wasn't til a few events took place in my life this past year that I realized I wasn't helping the situation.
I missed her. I loved her. and I knew all I was doing was
WASTING PRECIOUS TIME, basically beating myself emotionally and mentally because I was so stubborn. After having a pity party because I refused to admit anything was my fault....I finally decided it was time. Time to not only give in and show my love towards this person
(in a time I believe she needed the most love) regardless of the absence we've had in each others lives. Although we hadn't talked for about 3 years I felt I needed to be there for her. I wanted her to know that regardless of the differences we had, it didn't measure up to the love I had for her, and that NO MATTER WHAT, she was more important to me than ANY disagreement or childish argument....... talk about acting your shoe size instead of your age right? hah... {plz don't judge me...}
Let's just say things are mended and I couldn't be more at peace with myself about the whole situation. Time truly heals things....
Loved this! Thanks for sharing Leta, this post is definitely an answer to something I've been praying about!