Saturday, December 31, 2011

[ this Christmas ]

For the past 17 years or so my family and Aunty Letas family.....and whoever else likes to join us, Christmas carol on Christmas Eve. We carol to the widows in our family and those who are sick. Each year we have the usuals that we go to and they're always our favorites because they actually expect us and have yummy treats waiting for us. Our crowd of carolers vary each year but this year....we rolled deep!! haha Although it was freeeeezing outside we were lucky that it wasn't snowing with the amount of drivers and cars we had. 
This year, I don't know why but I was such a grinch going that night. I don't know if it's because we added a few extra houses and I was just tired....but I know I wasn't feeling it by the 3rd house and I wanted to just go home. After going to a really good friends house (bella stevenson) and seeing the joy we brought to her and her family that whole perspective changed, even more as the night went on and we got to see Grandma Leven.
I ended up having a blast that night with the most special people to me. I SWWEEEEAR my family rocks... haha Really though. It was so much fun and the Christmas spirit was truly felt that night. LOOOOOVVED IT!!

Caroling finished a little after midnight. We got home and Pili was just eccstatic for Chritmas, he wanted to make Santa's cookies, sleep in the living room where the tree was, and wait up for Santa....and he refused to listen to anyone when we told him to go to bed. Mind you, a few weeks back I had changed Josh's picture on my phone to Santas. Just to get Pili all riled up for Christmas, whenever he was being a naughty boy or had questions I'd call "Santa" or have Santa call just in time to talk to Pili. Well, Christmas Eve, I don't think Pili was going to believe any of us so I text Josh to call me. After talking to "Santa" on speaker and hearing Santa tell Pili that he was tired and had a lot of houses to go to, and if kids weren't sleeping he was just going to have to pass them this year. So funny, Santa didn't even hang up and Pili was in mom and dad's room already in bed. LOL... it was so cute. We set up and brought all the gifts out....and straight passed out ugly. Our house is kind of weird- no one, not even Pili woke up early. I had to go wake him up after  his parents got to the house with the rest of the gifts it was so funny. We then had our family prayer which set the mood right for Christmas day and then opened gifts....

This was Pilis first year really knowing what Christmas is, so he had a blast opening everything it was so cute.

Christmas was sweet......can't you tell through my face expression? haha

This was LaVonas very first Christmas. She still has no clue whats going on but watching her open her gifts, even though she's only 6 months was the cutest thing ever. She was totally ripping her presents open. haha So adorable.

Now this was funny
*Moms laptop disappeared for almost a month and everyone was blaming me of course lol..Little did we know dad took it and got it fixed. Pili had ripped off moms keys on the keyboard. 
*Dad also got mom and ipad. When she opened the box it was wrapped in she started was hilarious and so cute, because Dad almost started crying too. LOL
*I don't know who got dad the Angry Birds shirt, but it was joke the rest of the day... especially since Pili said "Angry Birds just like Papa!" HAHA...
*This year we got to share Christmas with Ashley, Sia, and Grandma Lusi. We missed Aunty La and Frank, but Christmas was still so wonderful. I love having Ash here and Sia and Grandma visiting was the cherry on top! =)
*Frankie....still has the same clothes on from caroling lol....but she won this year for shoes. Sheesh...

Later that evening we had a family gathering in honor of my Aunty Lita. Who was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. The doctors cleared most of it out about a year ago and then about 3 months ago it came back, and this time much worse. Doctors have done everything they could but Aunty's organs have basically shut down and there's nothing now that they can do. She's been put on hospice =( and the doctor said that we're basically just "waiting" =( He did say though, that she will make it through Christmas and New Years, but after that he's not sure. He also mentioned that, every time he's guessed in that situation...he's been wrong. So we're all crossing our fingers and have completely put our trust in the Lords will. And although life's been tough on Aunty Lita and our family in general. She's been such a fighter and understands the gospel so well that she's not even afraid of death. 
So we celebrated Aunty Litas life this Christmas. It was so nice getting together with all my first cousins and sharing memories and our love for Aunty. We sang. Had a legit tongan band (like the fai kava kind lol) playing the authentic was BOMB!! and the food was so delish- 
My Christmas didn't end just there.... =) =) =)
Something really stupid happened Christmas Eve that had totally changed Christmas Eve plans for me and Shawn lol. But it all turned out for the good and Shawn got his Christmas gift a day earlier haha LONG STORY- so we'll cut it there. so Christmas was my first time seeing my guy in what seemed like forever with preparation for the bowl game that whole week. He picked me up from our family stuff. We exchanged gifts and this is what I got

 Normally he'd get me heels or a dress or something girly. Nope this year.. a Utes sweatsuit, something I've been dying for. And it fits me PERFECT. Which I'm glad so I don't get jacked. haha and he got me the iphone 4s. =) =) =) I was screaming. I was so excited because I had been complaining about my Galaxy and how annoying it was and how I missed my iphone and how Iphones are just so much more legit. hahaha I didn't think he was gonna get it, but he did. =)
After that we Drove around for a bit just talking about Christmas and future plans.... blah blah blah... watched a Christmas movie, went to betos and then he dropped me off! haha Sounds lame, but it really wasn't. It was perfect!

I loved this Christmas!

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