Monday, December 26, 2011

[ wrappin' 2011 up ]

Ma goo'ness, just like November, December has come and gone by so fast. 2011 has probably been my least favorite year ever so I am more than ready to kick it out the door and bring in 2012. I just didn't think December would come and go this fast. So much has happened in the last month since Aunty Venas funeral.
I wish I could update as things take place, but it's just been super busy and so every post is basically an update of my pathetic excuse for a blog......boring I KNOW! As busy as it's been, it's been a very enjoyable month. I haven't had much time to myself but it's all good because the time that I do have to myself I'm able to reflect on this past year and be grateful for what I've accomplished, learned, and grown from. =)

*I've spent a lot of much needed time with the people I love the family. I'm so grateful for them. We have great similarities and extreme differences but I love em regardless and they do the same. They disagree with more than half the choices I make but don't love me any less. So lucky me...haha

*Work..... ohhhh work. haha You know how I said this year has been my least favorite year?? contributes to that. lol I love my job....i seriously do. Its flexible, fun (well more fun than other jobs I know), and it gives me more opportunities than I can ask for. I've been here for about 6 years and it's seriously been great....I've been able to hold good shifts, or good ones I can adjust to easily, I get along with everyone there, and it just always manages to work out for the good. In the past year a lot of changes took place witht he operation at work and so I've been knocked down to the crappiest shift ANYONE at the airport could ask for. Not complaining....I've just been spoiled so I don't like this one. haha.... It's seriously been a nightmare. So..I put in for a different shift and THANK GOD I got it. I told my boss {at that time} if I stayed on her shift, I would seriously be fired. hahaha So now I have a whole different shift. Not too fond of the hours but now i'm able to have great days off (SAT/SUN) and can actually fit in working out in the morning. It's very slow at night so it's even more flexible and easier to get days off..... so now, i'm a happy camper. Malo Delta! =)

*Church.....with all the craziness this past year I can honestly say that my testimony has truly grown. I'm an idiot because I always have to learn the hard way.... =/ But I learn, so it's all good I guess. haha I know more of what I DON'T WANT more than what i DO want now.

One huge highlight for me this year, spiritually, had to be Trek. I had the chance to go on trek with our stake. It was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G....  the spirit was nonstop and even though we didn't have the luxuries we have now days, I had no problem with that with the spirit I felt there and the way my testimony grew. I loved it so much, but I would NEVER do it again. lol.... Now that I have Sundays off with my new work schedule I'm glad that I won't show "inactive" anymore. haha.

*LetDoll...... The Whatitdo has taken off faster than we expected and has been such a success. I LOVE IT. I love the opportunity I have to associate with my hardcore driven team. I love em all for their inspiration, I've made the best of and life long friends with each of em. Heading towards & chasing the same goal and keepin' postive is what keeps us all going. The people I meet through this experience are inspiring to say the least. They all have such big dreams and motivate me to want to chase mine, not just follow it. Thank you for the experience!!

*Music......I almost find myself speechless when it comes to this subject. This year hasn't been a favorite, but... when it comes to music this year. I absolutely shut down and don't know what to say. My heart beats fast because I think of all the opportunities that have come my way, and I find myself extremely grateful, as well as humbled. I don't know what I've ever done to deserve such great and talented people in my life...but I am grateful. =) I'm ready for 2012 for music.......I mean it's only taken me FOREVER. hahaha...

**Me & the Mister we've grown this past year more than ever....good and bad. lol... but mostly good. we struggle, but like always those struggles become our strengths and eventually our strengths overcome our HAH! haha We're good and movin' up and growin' up....finally! ;) Everyday I'm more grateful for him in my life, he's been an amazing best friend and loves me unconditionally even though I'm sure I make it so difficult for him to do so. hahaha 2011 brought the UGLY in both of us, but 2012 will bring out the best of us that's for sure. =)

LaVona beautiful little happy niece was born this year and that's the best thing that happened this year. I don't like her growing too fast, but being able to be apart of her life has been such a blessing. I love her- and am dyyyyying to watch her grow into a beautiful much better girl than her namesakes! ;) XoXo love you honey girl...

Once again... 2011 has been the least favorite but I've learned a grip from it, and so much good has also happened, and I'm grateful for that. I'm seriously just dying for 2012 to ring in and see what it has in store for me. That's pretty much it, thanks for reading this novel.....if you're still reading. haha
 Hope all of you have had a wonderful year and I only wish the best for next year. =) XoXo....

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