Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It's that time of the year again for
GOTCHA is a game for a big group of people. You're assigned a person to kill. 
Rules are:

1.) You kill your target w/water.
(any form, doesn't have to be a water gun, but no kinda excessive wetting)
2.) The targets work place is a safe-zone.
3.) Home is another safe-zone unless the targetER is invited into the home.
4.) No one can see you kill.

i think those are all the rules....well the ones most people keep anyway. haha 
Anywho- my YSA ward is playing again and we've all been assigned our targets (people). I'm a pretty good killer, I've never been assasined so my guy better watch his back. ;) This is one of the many activities I enjoy in our YSA ward.
 It gets pretty fun because you really can't trust ANYONE. 
You really get a chance to meet a bunch of different people & it reminds you to ALWAYS STAY ON YOUR GUARD. Which fits perfect for YSA, we must always be on our guard w/the forever changing world. =)

I'm excited for this game and can not wait to kill _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ok im computer retarded with the not knowing how to post comments!
    hahaha but how come I have never heard of this game? I'm glad I'm not playing cuz I'd be killed first probably lol. Oh and yes please let me know when delta is hiring...need to get off my butt and do something. and definitely down for cupcake wars!
