Wednesday, January 4, 2012

[ when life throws you Lemons }

...make lemonade? I'd probably say, "hell, chuck those lemons right back at life!"  lol... but since it's 2012 and my ultimate goal is to become a better person than I was last year, including living healthier and fit. So I guess that means I'm not gonna chuck lemons back at life, instead.... I'm gonna start my days off with them. =)


Lemons are a natural, effective, and inexpensive means to help your body detox on an ongoing basis. Starting the day with a large glass of filtered water with half or a whole lemon squeezed in is wonderful for the body. After a night’s sleep, your body needs to rehydrate, and the added lemon really aids the cleansing process first thing in the morning. Here are 7 reasons why drinking water with lemon (really at any point in the day) is such a great habit to get into:
1. Detoxifying, especially for the liver
  • Water helps the body to flush out toxins; the addition of lemon juice amplifies that effect. Lemons act as a diurectic and increase the body’s rate of urination, thus expelling toxins in the body more often and more quickly.
2. Improves digestion
  • Lemon juice encourages the liver to produce bile, an acid needed for digestion. In so doing, it helps the body digest more efficiently and reduces heartburn and constipation.
3. Boosts the immune system
  • Lemons are high in Vitamin C, high in enzymes, and contain antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.
4. Improves the appearance of the skin
  • Lemons are high in Vitamin C, and Vitamin C counters the effects of sun exposure, smoke, and pollution by reducing the damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C helps skin maintain a youthful appearance by preserving its collagen and elastin.
5. Promotes a healthy pH
  • Though acidic outside the body, lemons are very alkaline-forming within the body. Drinking lemon juice reduces the body’s overall acidity.
6. Helps respiratory problems
  • Warm lemon water can relieve coughing and even chest infections, and it can be very helpful for people with asthma and allergies.
7. Water with lemon tastes super nice
  • For many people who struggle to drink half their body weight in ounces of water per day, they tend to have an easier time with the addition of some water with lemon. The change in flavor is refreshing.
Try to practice drinking water with lemon each morning, and aim to have the juice of at least 1 lemon per day (in water, in cooking, or however else you feel inclined).

So, there ya have it! =) Cheers to  ya water and lemon drinkers... =)

(thanks to Heather for sharing this great idea)

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