Sunday, September 12, 2010

Moving to NYC...??

I've been working for Delta Airlines for almost 5 years now, I can't believe it's been that long and I'm still a baby there- airline seniority SUCKS, but I absolutely love it.  It's had its ups and downs since I've been here but despite all the downs, I've really enjoyed it. I've learned a lot about the airline industry, know the difference between the different types of aircraft, I'm not that lost when it comes to the airline lingo,  I know how the system works as far as irregular operations go, I know the lost bag policies and why bags are lost, all security violations, and although I still have trouble here and there with ticketing and reissuing tickets at times I know enough to get by with out screwing the company over (hahaha), but most importantly though this job has taught me patience [with passengers, as well as my coworkers] haha with whatever the situation is. Salt Lake City all around has a great team and I'd hate the fact of ever having to leave the people I work with......but.....

I'm always up for changes. I like change, I believe you grow in many ways through change. Therefore I wanted a little change. While...or better yet before I'm married and start a family of my own. I wanted to do something while I have no ties... so, I put in for inflight. ((FLIGHT ATTENDANT)). I've heard many things about flight attendants... opportunities good and bad, but what job doesn't have that?? I'm stoked about taking the advantage of being a flight attendant, it has so many different opportunities in store for me but one thing that I'm not so sure about is relocating to a different state, most likely being NEW YORK CITY..... (concrete jungle where dreams are made of..ya know?? haha)  =/ 
I love Utah, being raised here in Salt Lake with LDS being the predominate religion has been such a huge influence on me and my surroundings have made it much easier to live up to its standards, so leaving to somewhere like New York City the total [opposite] surrounding would be something I'd have to majorly adjust to. (insert nervous face).
Luckily I have been back and forth to the East Coast for the past nine years dancing and have dealt with many East Coast passengers at work I know what to expect if I were to live there. It's not bad at all.... it's just much different than Utah. As a matter of fact I LOVE NEW YORK (nooooo not the reality show star hahahaha) but the city. It'll be a hard decision, and if I take it....great, it'd definitely be the biggest leap of faith I'd ever take. So many people move away for school and work but putting myself in that situation and being away from family is definitely not me..... talk about major change right?? We'll see how it all plays out. =)

Anyhow... the reason I even bring this whole subject up is because I would eventually have to find my own place in New York. ((insert nervous face again)). I don't know if I want to be in  a crash pad with a bunch of people. I like my own space and at many times prefer my own privacy. But I was looking at one of my favorite links/blogs to follow and saw this apartment in New York City..... and absolutely fell in love with it. It made me want to move to NYC already....but til I make some 'real' money I'll just enjoy the pictures LOL....

 images by Jill Slater

i LOVE the all white...all around. Talk about heaven on earth right?! 
You know another thing I was thinking was since Sione Pouha and his wife are such good people...
they'd probably just allow me to rent from em 
(and i'd love to be near Polynesians being that far from home)
.....besides we're probably cousins anyway 
right?? LOL

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