Tuesday, November 16, 2010

sometimes... i just HATE being a girl...

Okay maybe that was a little too dramatic and maybe I'm just sharing a little too much information, but seriously, when that time of the month rolls around I just HATE being a girl. I know, I know.. hate is a strong word and I rarely use it, but in this case; this is why I used it, I really meant it.
I get the worst cramps. It gets to the point that I can't even walk or move.
I become fragile and any movement is painful as heck. One time my dad practically carried me out of the car. (I was much lighter then.. lol). And as I'm getting older, I SWEAR it's getting worse. I don't take the suggested pill, Midol, because it doesn't help at all.

But something has helped....

Growing up, coffee was always a no no in our house because it was a no no in our religion. I never had a problem with that, in fact I hated the taste of it (when I tasted coffee flavored candies) so I just assumed that's what all coffee tasted like. Just until about 2 years ago one of my coworkers got me stuck on Starbucks. baaaaad....baaad idea. I got stuck on it because it not only woke me up in the mornings when I'd be working doubles on 3-4 hours of sleep, but because it was the ONLY thing [seriously, the ONLY thing] that made my cramps go away; or at least numb for a few hours. So i was hooked... okay technically I still am but in the past few weeks I just haven't had my daily dose of my caramel machiatto and/or iced americano 5 pumps hazelnut, 1 shot espresso, with caramel and whip cream ((YES...all dat lol))

For the past 2 weeks I've been trying to get my life back in order because it's just been such a mess, so I'm sucking it up with the pain these cramps bring.I've been desensitized to what I should and shouldn't be eating, drinking, and even the way I act sometimes. Anyway, that's all for another post haha.  I haven't had one of those and as much as I feel I'm having withdrawals of Starbucks because this is the first time in foooorever that I don't have my coffee in hand while my cramps are kickin my butt, I think I'm good. I'm trying to keep this eternal perspective with the help of good friends and family!!! =)

However, another one of my coworkers suggested taking birth control pills for the pain. Supposedly it stops the whole annual month thing so I wouldn't even get the cramps, but I don't need to be on that because
a.) that's just weird to me to be on birth control, I'd never get on that even if I was trying to prevent having birth lol, and  b.) I've heard a rumor that you gain at least 15 lbs when you're on birth control... mmm hmmm I don't need that!! haha

It's helped that I've started my diet that bans ANYTHING at Starbucks {even the non caffeine beverages} so I'm grateful for that. =) I do miss it and so do my cramps, but it's alllll gravy, I'll find something else that's NOT against the word of wisdom, and NOT birth control that can control this. haha..

Happy Cramps and Period Ladies!! ;p


  1. Sis...go see a doctor. It really is ok to get on a pill. Usually it's just a really low dosage, but it just helps to control cramping. No need to be in pain. Go see your GYN and get some advice! :)

  2. Try drinking some yerba buena tea. You can find it in the Hispanic section of the grocery store or in special Hispanic grocery stores. It works wonders. I have the worst cramps when I'm on my period, to the point where I just cry and can't do anything - I can only imagine it's what labor must feel like LMAO. But the tea takes my pain away almost immediately... it's worth trying.
