Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm not married, probably because....

....the brothers that I have. Lol. My whole life I've had really protective brothers. Okay I only have one older brother but a TON of older (and some younger) guy cousins who have practically been my brothers. I have a special relationship with each of em, it's crazy. At times, I hated that I had them there because I felt they were putting limits on my life because they didn't like me, or didn't want me to have fun. haha. I know...I can't even believe my imagination when I was a teen. lol. But that's what I thought.

 I recieved a text from my older brother TJ who I haven't seen since my family reunion last month. But even then we didn't talk too much about 'life' and what was going on. Anyway, it was a surprise that he had text today asking how I was doing.We talked for a little bit, and at first I was a little hesitant but then after a little...i just... UNLOADED. lol We have a lot in common. We are both middle chidlren. We've both made similar decisions when it comes to relationships lol. Oh and we both fought the most when we were younger.;) More respect has come out of our relationship as we've gotten older, closer, and more mature. So hearing from him made it even better. His advice and words of comfort was exactly what I needed to hear. His reminder of putting WHAT and WHO is important in our lives in their proper places makes everything right. I agree 100%.

As I've gotten older.....and wiser, I now understand many reasons why my brothers have done what they've done and have said what they've said to me about certain things in life. Like boys... haha I hated when they would tell my parents where I should and shouldn't go. I swore everyone was against me... lol once again- the joys of teenage assumptions haha. But it's all good, I am definitely thankful now...5 years later. ;) I also know now a lot of their actions took place because they cared for me. They cared about my where abouts with who because they never want me in trouble, because in the end...they'd be the ones getting me out of it. haha.

It's funny how as we grow older.....and wiser we realize that things our parents have been teaching us since we were little all make sense now. That's how it is with my brothers, I know that all their advice and trynna get me in trouble when we were little (hahaha) was because they didn't want me to end up hurt or in trouble. I'm so grateful for them and the blessings they are in my life. No matter what decisions I make, whether they agree with it or not, they support me and love me to NO END!
<3 my brohams!!!

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