Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obedience brings Opportunity & Opportunity brings Happiness!!

Sooooo.... I had blogged before about being hooked on Starbucks coffee.(Don't judge me YET ;p)  Well since the new year I haven't had any and I'm so proud of myself. Not only that, along with the new year I began to read the Book of Mormon AGAIN.. lol. This time I've actually been successful with it. It's amazing how far things have to get for me to be humbled. And it's kind of sad because it wasn't til now that I actually realized or REMEMBERED how much this book can change lives. I love it!! It truly is a survival guide for us now days.

Okay I'm not just gonna brag about how well I'm doing, because it's more embarrassing that I'm gonna be 24 years old and I'm just barely coming to my senses that I shouldn't be breaking the word of wisdom and that the B.O.M. is a life changing book when sincerely reading it. How could I be so dumb right?

My whole point is that.....with me trying [KEYWORD: TRYING] to focus on doing what I should be doing and putting God in his proper place, everything else falls into place with out me even realizing it. Not the way I wanted or expected, but it's manageable and acceptable the way it has fallen into place. And I can say that even though it's a struggle, I'm okay with it, I've learned the hard way to accept it. (stupid me! ugh...)

Okay..on to the point for real. haha I've always loved music; who doesn't?  I've been singing and performing since I could talk. It's a talent I constantly thank God for, even though some may disagree that it's not a talent I have. haha
I've never really put too much effort into the whole music thing, it's something I've always been interested in pursuing but one reason I didn't pursue it is because I don't trust to many people with my life and where it's heading, neither do my parents and so that held me back from a lot. Another because I didn't know what to expect of the whole music career.....oh yeah and also because when I begin to write I'm in the mood and everything, but then when I go over it again, I hate what I wrote. I don't even know if that makes sense lol so I just gave up on trying to write music. Many opportunities of furthering my music career has come but never have I taken any........................til now.

In fact, I've never had such a good feeling about dealing with those that aren't blood like I am now. These guys are very talented and well known for their music careers, and I'm so grateful they've even given me the chance to work with them. I'm ready for whatever comes my way as long as I keep in mind that....

Obedience brings Opportunity and Opportunity brings Happiness =)

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