Tuesday, January 11, 2011

-PiOnEEr tReK-

When I was in youth, I never had the chance to go on a Pioneer Trek. I always heard stories about different youth going on the trek and being able to re-enact what the Pioneers went through standing up for what they believe, and making it possible for the gospel to grow. =)

Now that I'm much older and understand the gospel a lot more now, I'm more appreciative and will forever be thankful for the Pioneers sacrifices. This summer, my stake (Tongan South Stake) will be taking the youth on the Pioneer Trek in place of their annual youth conference. They invited our Young Single Adults to join them. I'm pretty stoked because I really think that this will help me grow spiritually (and physically lol). If you would've asked me 2 years ago....or even 4 months ago I probably would've said NOOOOO WAAAY! but with a lot of humbling experiences in the past 2 months I'm so for it.
Sad that it always takes something major to humble me... =/ but I'm excited and privileged to do the trek. I think it's better that I'm going now, rather than being a youth going. As YSA we get more of a lea way; i mean we'll still have to do the same thing the youth does as far as the different duties, but it won't be as strict. haha...

I'm super excited.... can't wait to be spiritually overwhelmed.... but I can wait to have blisters... AAAHH!!!

1 comment:

  1. you can't get blisters if you're riding in a cart the entire trek... hahaha!
