Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[So September....]

...has kinda been something like this....

I started my fall B.O.M. reading [again], with my ward this time.
We are to finish by December 24th as a gift to ourselves for Christmas. =)

I learned how to play the tongan drums @ the Friendly Islands Festival...I swear I have no rythm lol, but it was really fun. I even got a picture in the Salt Lake Tribune haha.. yay for me. ;)

I loved that our own Tongan Local Talent closed off the festival. Talk about having a big heart and giving back to the community. Smiling Souls, Teki, and Josh White. Not too many people were there but it was fun.

Finally was able to Skype with Fano. 
We also received the best news....he's out of ICU. That's actually a huge deal with his situation. He's on the road to getting better and I can't wait until he's fully recovered.
Speaking of Fano, we have our fundraiser for him this Saturday if any of you would like to join in our Volleyball Tournament held at West Jordan Park on Sat (9/24). Hit me up for more details.

This past weekend I flew out to the bay for Jboogs Album Release Party that was held at the Mezzanine downtown. It was an awesome turn out. Talk about a packed house.... Can't wait to hear the rest of his album. 

Attended the Holy War (held at BYU). Let's just say BYU got JIMMER'd pretty bad. Did I feel bad one bit??? HEEEECK NO!! hahaha... only because the if it was the other way around BYU would NOT shut up about it, so i'm glad I get to at least brag about our victory til we meet again. ;) lol. it was a fun game for us of course. Can't wait til next year.

Last but not least.... this month is a special one. My bestest friend and sweet heart was born this month... Sept 24th!  

I sure love this sweet guy and am constantly grateful for him and for all he's done for me. We grow daily and learn new things along the way. He's come a LONG way and I'm super happy for him. I hate going on and on on here with all that mushy lovey dovey stuff.... so i'll leave it at that....well until my next blog. ;) lol. 
Love You Shawnee Boy!!!

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