Monday, September 26, 2011


Lets just say I'm glad this past weekend is over. Plenty of planning and stressing
went on the past two weeks but it was well worth it. I (along with the help of Matt, Tangi, & Sega) planned a surprise bbq for Shawn. Lucky for me his family was all for it so planning wasn't too much of a hassle. Shawn was so surprised it was so funny and soooooooooooo dang cute. ;) haha.. really though, it was. All the people that mattered most were there and it was just amazing. The food was delish and our entertainment {FATBOY}was the haha

After Shawn had made his 'rounds saying hi to everyone he came to me and whispered "Babe, this is my 1st birthday party,and I'm 23!" lol...I started laughing, like are you kidding me?? He wasn't even joking. I felt kinda bad (...only because I'm 24 {yes i'm older than him lol|}and my parents still have parties and get togethers for me =/ )....but actually really happy I got to celebrate his first birthday party with him. ;) hahaha...

It was a great turn out, I was so happy for him. My whole reason for throwing him this was because I'm so proud of him. He's actually come a LOOOOOOOOOONNNG {like how long was exaggerated? lol} way and is doing really good......crossing my fingers and hoping he keeps that up. ;) haha.... but yeah, I really think he deserved it. =)
He had a  blast.
After the bbq we cleaned up a little and ended our night at the Huka.

I truly am grateful for this guy. He's always such a big help and is always there for me when I need him the most. We've been through so so so so soooooooo much and thru it all he continues to love me unconditionally. Although we have so much in common we are so different in so many ways and that's what makes He's everything I am not (even all the bad stuff lol j/k) I love the fact of being in love with this crazy headache of mine.
Happy Birthday #1

1 comment:

  1. aw-- you are such a great girlfriend! and that is such a thoughtful gift: a surprise bday! glad everything turned out well, looks like so much fun! can't wait for THE wedding! :) love you letter!
