Tuesday, September 27, 2011


“God has a view of women, who they are, what they do incomparably, and what eternally they will be. Women must seize that vision and embrace it, or they – and the human family with it- will perish.  –Judy Dushku, Exponent II, Summer 1999, p. 5.

Just one of the many things I love about the gospel are
Visit Teachers.
{faithful Visiting Teachers ;p}
...and YES i'm showing off my spiritual side that i do have ;) lol...

I consider myself very blessed because mine have always been on top of their visiting. Everyone has their own reasons for remaining active or returning to church, for me, it's them. And as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I've felt like I've distanced myself from the gospel (because of my own actions and stupid choices) but the thing that keeps me coming back [besides knowing its true]
are my visiting teachers. They always remind me that I am not forgotten no matter where I am in my life spiritually.

As I was reading through the blogs i follow and came across this quote off my cousin Kaps blog:

"Sisters, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love."

and it nearly brought tears to my eyes. I am so grateful for my own VT's. They've been such a blessing in my life. The messages ALWAYS seem to apply to my own life the time. I love that when I do need them they're always there fulfilling the purpose of Relief Society AND Visit Teaching.
I had my visit with them yesterday in preparation for conference. I'm excited to hear what our brethren have in store for us and  I know I will receive many answers to the maaaany questions I have. haha..
There is not one doubt in my mind that this gospel is true and VT's is just one proof of that.

It's funny how the Lord works, not sure what was going on in my life at the time but I do remember I was at a very low point (thinking I didn't want to see anyone from church) and my VT's showed up, visited, talked for a while, BROUGHT ME A TREAT, shared that months message and with out even knowing it strengthened my testimony from that point on about VT. It's so crazy, it's like every time I need em they show up out of no where and that's my reminder that He remembers me, and does care about me. =)
Also a reminder that I need to get on my VT. I hate when I slack on mine because I know just as much as I need my VT's, my own girls need me. I hope my girls that I do VT know how much I love them {especially since it's Tali and Tiare lol.}and know that if they ever need anything they can turn to me. God's love is the most unconditional love I know, and to give us the VT program is proof and blessing of that!! =)

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