Wednesday, January 18, 2012

[ scripture power ]

New goals ring in with the new year. Like I said in a previous post, I don't like to wait 'til New Years to make new goals, I figure if you're wanting to change something....change it now, DO IT NOW, why wait? I still believe that, but... I figured with it being a new year and one I think that will take me on a whole different level spiritually, I wanted to read the Book of Mormon again, so I made it a goal for this year. I brought it up to Shawn in a convo we had discussing goals and he thought it'd be a fantastic idea to do it..... this time, as a couple. =) I myself have been strengthened in my own life reading it on my own, but never have I tried it with another person....let alone in a OUR relationship. It's come up many times in conversations, but actually going through with it... hah- didn't happen.

Osservare lì dove gli altri sanno solo vedere, ©
Through out our relationship last year we were so lost w/stupid decisions we made. I felt we needed to return back to church; meaning returning to 'basics'...daily prayers, personal prayers, scripture reading, church attendance, etc.... And oh boy did we struggle. lol. Something I was so use to {daily prayers} all of sudden seemed impossible for me to do and the things I wasn't use to {the "partying" scene} became all too familiar. {insert GUILTY face}. Getting back to daily personal prayers were hard for me, but with much discipline I managed to get back into the hang of it (with the help of silently catching my mom and sister on their knees in their rooms :) ). Crazy thing about it is that soon after I had gotten into the hang of things with simply turning to prayer Shawn ended up receiving a football scholarship, he was more focused on school and as an athlete. BOOYAH! haha... and it's been great since then ;) lol and I myself found myself overflowing with opportunities from left to right. {so I guess I should stop complaining about 2011?? ;p }

Since the new year started, we decided we'd start reading the BOM together. I know he struggles a bit w/reading scriptures. he always said how they always make him fall asleep....I myself am guilty at that too, but that's when I'm not in the mood to read, or claim I have something bettter to do. haha
Anyway- we started reading this year, and to my surprise this guy has totally passed me in reading. I seriously was caught off guard when he started asking me questions. haha Not because I didn't know the answer but because I thought he was lying about reading. lol So far he's learned a lot- it's so cute to see. Sounds funny, but he NEVER knew about Lehi and Nephi and their journey through the wilderness. 1Nephi was very interesting to him. I text him one time I was bored...he didn't reply, so I called, he answered and told me I was interrupting a good part he was on (when they return to get the brass plates from Laban). lol... I didn't want him to lose interest so I left him alone. But I thought it was so funny.

In general, we've received the most amazing blessings as a couple . We aren't perfect, in fact, we are faaaaar from perfect. We have our arguments and disagreements here and there. I blow up sometimes for nothing and he acts like a little kid sometimes just to get on my nerves ;) lol BUT....haha all in all this scripture reading together has strengthened us in tremedous ways. In ways I would never even think we needed improvement in. We actually meet eye to eye on a lot more decisions, we're open minded to different situations, we laugh more, our bond has been strengthened, putting the other persons needs first has become more of a priority, it's easier to CTR,  and we have become closer and more focusd on our "main" goal ;) haha Still not perfect but It's been lovely! We're reading, getting it done sloooowly but surely. Through the past six years we've been together this has been the biggest change thus far and I LOVE IT!!

"Scripture power, keeps me safe from sin. Scripture power is the power to win. Scripture power, every day I need, the power that I get each time I read..."

{one of my favorite Primary songs}


  1. What an awesome post Leta! Congrats on that wonderful goal you made together as a're right scripture is power!

  2. love this post-- it's very true how powerful the scriptures are. thanks for sharing, glad to hear all is going great with you guys :) xoxo
