Our Birth Story:
Monday (June 25th) afternoon we slept in a little. After cleaning up around the house I had Shawn drop me at my moms while he went to get our oil changed and work out. While I was there I ended up running dance practice with Sia since it had been her first show back since having 2 kids. I was totally dying lol...not only from being out of breath but also because I felt I was having light cramps. Afterwards, about 4pm we headed to the Gallivan Center for band and show rehearsal, even there I didn't feel to good- it was so hot and I still had cramps. =/ After Shawn had picked me up from the Gallivan Center we headed home just in time to get ready and return back to the show. On my way home the cramps increased but I was so busy trying to hurry and get ready and grab last minute show things while I was out of breath just getting ready.
The show turned out great, the girls did good and made me really want to return to dancing. I think I probably had too much fun and got caught up being busy I didn't realize I had been cramping up. Anyway, on our way home that night my parents called us and we met up with them to eat at Village Inn, and even at Village Inn I couldn't even eat because my cramps had increased so bad. By then I thought for sure they were Braxton Hicks if anything. There my parents gave us their hotel room they had received from doing the show. They told us to take the room since it'd probably be our last night before baby comes....i think they jinxed us ;) haha...
We took em up on the deal and headed back downtown to the Marriott. The whole car ride there I felt cramps, but they were coming at consecutive times...it was a bit odd because I never had cramps like that before. I still didn't mind em though... still ignored em- or at least tried to. As the pain increased I decided just to take a hot bath. That was like heaven.... it felt so good and my cramping stopped of course, BUT... I was seriously dying of heat in there so I got out and low and behold- started crampin up again. =/ All this time though I had been spotting and it was like the later it got the more I'd bleed. It was really strange....but still I didn't think it was anything. We laid down to sleep and of course Shawn knocked out lol... I would sleep for about 10 minutes and wake right back up to the pain of cramping. =( Then it turned into every 7 minutes that it was cramping... by then it was about 3AM. I could not take it anymore. I got up, pulled out the laptop and googled "the difference between Braxton Hicks and Labor contractions". LOL... Don't judge me...how was I suppose to know?? haha After reading the difference I now knew I was having contractions because the pain had been through my lower back and to the front. It was seriously to the point where I almost couldn't walk. Then I remembered what the doc said- that once I get to the point where I can't speak through contractions...then I should come in. Well...being that we were downtown and about 20 minutes from our hospital I woke up my sound asleep husband, because if anything I wanted to be able to walk to the car instead of being hauled off during labor in an ambulance at 3:30am. I'm sure the hotel guests wouldn't appreciate that. haha I told Shawn I thought that we should go home and at least be closer to the hospital if anything. He agreed so graciously....it surprised me. haha
We got in the car, Shawn said a prayer (that of course I cried through haha) and headed out. During our ride I got a bit frustrated because it felt like Shawn had taken THE bumpiest and longest road to the freeway (even though it's not that far from 200 south to catching the freeway on 400 south lol, dramatic much?? lol) and not only that the pain had increased even more. Oh my gosh...I wanted someone to just shoot me. haha... As we got closer to our exit Shawn suggested we just go straight into the hospital and see whats wrong. We checked in about 4:30... I changed.... and managed to take this pic while in pain. lol...
The nurses soon came in and took tests. When results came back they told me I was dilated to a 6. HOLY COW... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? and here I am thinking I was having Braxton Hicks all day. haha... Anyway, they radio'd some folks and said it was time to prepare for labor. I then was taken to my labor room. The nurses then asked me if I wanted to get the epidural.... and of course I wanted it. lol.. The anesthesiologist then came in to give it to me. Now, I've heard a bunch of crazy things about getting the epidural and how big the needle is or how bad it hurts to get it. At that time I can say I was pretty chill... My back was to him so I was straight....and it seemed that nothing could seriously be as painful as the cramps I was just having.....until I looked at Shawn. He was looking at the anesthesiologist like he was crazy. I got a little frightened looking at Shawn so I looked away and suddenly a crazy thought came to mind. I could not believe in hopefully less than a few hours I was actually gonna be a mother- I was gonna have a daughter...a child, someone would belong to me, someone's life would depend on my decisions....it was so crazy, I felt numb.......but then realized the epidural was kickin in. ;) LOL....
After I got the epidural, my mom and sister Lusi walked in. By now it was about 5:30am. We sat and talked, and THANK GOD for the epidural because apparently I had been having contractions that whole time and didn't feel anything. The doctor on duty came in and we talked for a little, he then broke my water to speed up the process. Of course I still didn't feel anything, but was relieved that at least my water had broken. He also told me my OB would be in at 7 so he would end up delivering baby. I was so happy!! =) After that doc had left my dad and brother Josh walked in. I was so happy to see them. I knew what they were there for and so glad they had come. They gave me a wonderful blessing of comfort- exactly what I needed. =) Right after they gave it to me the nurses had been swapping out shifts. The one's I was with since I got there introduced me to the new nurse Aneisa- she was a sweetheart. She decided to check me just to see where I was, when she checked she said I was fully dilated to a 10 and that it was time to prepare for labor....FOR REAL! haha. Soon after my OB, Dr. Kaelberer came in. =) Aneisa gave me the "pushing lecture" and suggested we do a practice push.
So Shawn was on my right, Aneisa on my left, mom and lusi on the sides, and Dr. Kaelberer in front. 1....2...3... and I pushed. Everyone gasped of course because just with that one practice push baby began crowning. hahahaha... So then we I just pushed 3 more times and BAM..baby was out. haha. As hard as it was push I remember wanting to laugh because once I knew babies head was out and I was pushing the last pushes I looked up at mom and she was full on crying covering her mouth. LOL... it was so funny...
It was amazing and seemed pretty fast to me. Baby was born at 7:44am. Weighing in at 7lbs 6oz. and 20.5 inches long. They cleaned her off and handed her to me. My heart seriously almost stopped. I was so taken by the fact that I just gave birth to her. It was the most fascinating thing to me. Let's just say I'm so grateful for priesthood power. The blessing I had received eased EVERYTHING. My testimony of the priesthood power has strengthened because of my delivering experience. The whole time during my pregnancy I was freaked out about actually giving birth. I was scared and expecting the worst. =( But after my dad and brothers blessing, everything was smooth sailing from there- even to now as I'm still recovering and baby's health. She is so strong, so beautiful, and so healthy and I couldn't ask for anything more....
As Shawn and I sat there and held her and adored the heck out of her guessing who she looked like and which features of ours she had, we [still struggled with a name.] Through out the whole pregnancy we were seriously on stuck mode with a name for her. We knew we wanted Shawns sister Segas name to be part of babys name but just didn't know how we'd do it. I remembered my mom had told me a story of her great grandma 'Alilia (daughter of King Tupous sister) who had been the last child born in the palace in Tonga when the palace was still in Niua Toputapu. And since I heard the name, I fell in love with it. =) I mean, I didn't know I'd ever name my daughter that but when I held her and just looked at her sweet face I knew that'd be her name. Ali'itasi is her middle name- that also happens to be Segas name. Segas name Ali'itasi comes from a grand aunt of theirs that raised their dad. So it really is an honor for our baby girl to be named after 'Alilia and Ali'itasi, being that it's Segas name as well as their grand aunt. =) I love our babies name, but I promise it's not because she's my daughter....more because of how feminine, pretty, and because of where the names actually come from.
Anyway.....There's her story....
I was going to have my cousin do photograph her birth story but being that she had gotten in late that Monday night from Miami travelling with her 3 babies I didn't even dare bother her at 4am. haha Plus I was lookin' all kindza hash after giving birth...hahaha, but I'm glad I actually got to get this out on blog while it's all still very fresh to me. Just within the past 2 weeks of having baby, life has dramatically changed.....for the good though. I thought life had changed after marriage. Well it changed even more after having baby, but I absolutely love every second of it and wouldn't trade it for the world. I love my 'Alilia Ali'itasi Asiata and thank God everyday for such and amazing blessing in my life.
Love you baby girl....
Here are just some pictures from our hospital stay. Thank you to all the wonderful nurses and staff at IMC for such a wonderful experience. And an even bigger THANK YOU to our incredible family and friends who took the time to visit us during this special life changing event, we love you ALL!! XOXO
The show turned out great, the girls did good and made me really want to return to dancing. I think I probably had too much fun and got caught up being busy I didn't realize I had been cramping up. Anyway, on our way home that night my parents called us and we met up with them to eat at Village Inn, and even at Village Inn I couldn't even eat because my cramps had increased so bad. By then I thought for sure they were Braxton Hicks if anything. There my parents gave us their hotel room they had received from doing the show. They told us to take the room since it'd probably be our last night before baby comes....i think they jinxed us ;) haha...
We took em up on the deal and headed back downtown to the Marriott. The whole car ride there I felt cramps, but they were coming at consecutive times...it was a bit odd because I never had cramps like that before. I still didn't mind em though... still ignored em- or at least tried to. As the pain increased I decided just to take a hot bath. That was like heaven.... it felt so good and my cramping stopped of course, BUT... I was seriously dying of heat in there so I got out and low and behold- started crampin up again. =/ All this time though I had been spotting and it was like the later it got the more I'd bleed. It was really strange....but still I didn't think it was anything. We laid down to sleep and of course Shawn knocked out lol... I would sleep for about 10 minutes and wake right back up to the pain of cramping. =( Then it turned into every 7 minutes that it was cramping... by then it was about 3AM. I could not take it anymore. I got up, pulled out the laptop and googled "the difference between Braxton Hicks and Labor contractions". LOL... Don't judge me...how was I suppose to know?? haha After reading the difference I now knew I was having contractions because the pain had been through my lower back and to the front. It was seriously to the point where I almost couldn't walk. Then I remembered what the doc said- that once I get to the point where I can't speak through contractions...then I should come in. Well...being that we were downtown and about 20 minutes from our hospital I woke up my sound asleep husband, because if anything I wanted to be able to walk to the car instead of being hauled off during labor in an ambulance at 3:30am. I'm sure the hotel guests wouldn't appreciate that. haha I told Shawn I thought that we should go home and at least be closer to the hospital if anything. He agreed so graciously....it surprised me. haha
We got in the car, Shawn said a prayer (that of course I cried through haha) and headed out. During our ride I got a bit frustrated because it felt like Shawn had taken THE bumpiest and longest road to the freeway (even though it's not that far from 200 south to catching the freeway on 400 south lol, dramatic much?? lol) and not only that the pain had increased even more. Oh my gosh...I wanted someone to just shoot me. haha... As we got closer to our exit Shawn suggested we just go straight into the hospital and see whats wrong. We checked in about 4:30... I changed.... and managed to take this pic while in pain. lol...
The nurses soon came in and took tests. When results came back they told me I was dilated to a 6. HOLY COW... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? and here I am thinking I was having Braxton Hicks all day. haha... Anyway, they radio'd some folks and said it was time to prepare for labor. I then was taken to my labor room. The nurses then asked me if I wanted to get the epidural.... and of course I wanted it. lol.. The anesthesiologist then came in to give it to me. Now, I've heard a bunch of crazy things about getting the epidural and how big the needle is or how bad it hurts to get it. At that time I can say I was pretty chill... My back was to him so I was straight....and it seemed that nothing could seriously be as painful as the cramps I was just having.....until I looked at Shawn. He was looking at the anesthesiologist like he was crazy. I got a little frightened looking at Shawn so I looked away and suddenly a crazy thought came to mind. I could not believe in hopefully less than a few hours I was actually gonna be a mother- I was gonna have a daughter...a child, someone would belong to me, someone's life would depend on my decisions....it was so crazy, I felt numb.......but then realized the epidural was kickin in. ;) LOL....
After I got the epidural, my mom and sister Lusi walked in. By now it was about 5:30am. We sat and talked, and THANK GOD for the epidural because apparently I had been having contractions that whole time and didn't feel anything. The doctor on duty came in and we talked for a little, he then broke my water to speed up the process. Of course I still didn't feel anything, but was relieved that at least my water had broken. He also told me my OB would be in at 7 so he would end up delivering baby. I was so happy!! =) After that doc had left my dad and brother Josh walked in. I was so happy to see them. I knew what they were there for and so glad they had come. They gave me a wonderful blessing of comfort- exactly what I needed. =) Right after they gave it to me the nurses had been swapping out shifts. The one's I was with since I got there introduced me to the new nurse Aneisa- she was a sweetheart. She decided to check me just to see where I was, when she checked she said I was fully dilated to a 10 and that it was time to prepare for labor....FOR REAL! haha. Soon after my OB, Dr. Kaelberer came in. =) Aneisa gave me the "pushing lecture" and suggested we do a practice push.
So Shawn was on my right, Aneisa on my left, mom and lusi on the sides, and Dr. Kaelberer in front. 1....2...3... and I pushed. Everyone gasped of course because just with that one practice push baby began crowning. hahahaha... So then we I just pushed 3 more times and BAM..baby was out. haha. As hard as it was push I remember wanting to laugh because once I knew babies head was out and I was pushing the last pushes I looked up at mom and she was full on crying covering her mouth. LOL... it was so funny...
It was amazing and seemed pretty fast to me. Baby was born at 7:44am. Weighing in at 7lbs 6oz. and 20.5 inches long. They cleaned her off and handed her to me. My heart seriously almost stopped. I was so taken by the fact that I just gave birth to her. It was the most fascinating thing to me. Let's just say I'm so grateful for priesthood power. The blessing I had received eased EVERYTHING. My testimony of the priesthood power has strengthened because of my delivering experience. The whole time during my pregnancy I was freaked out about actually giving birth. I was scared and expecting the worst. =( But after my dad and brothers blessing, everything was smooth sailing from there- even to now as I'm still recovering and baby's health. She is so strong, so beautiful, and so healthy and I couldn't ask for anything more....
As Shawn and I sat there and held her and adored the heck out of her guessing who she looked like and which features of ours she had, we [still struggled with a name.] Through out the whole pregnancy we were seriously on stuck mode with a name for her. We knew we wanted Shawns sister Segas name to be part of babys name but just didn't know how we'd do it. I remembered my mom had told me a story of her great grandma 'Alilia (daughter of King Tupous sister) who had been the last child born in the palace in Tonga when the palace was still in Niua Toputapu. And since I heard the name, I fell in love with it. =) I mean, I didn't know I'd ever name my daughter that but when I held her and just looked at her sweet face I knew that'd be her name. Ali'itasi is her middle name- that also happens to be Segas name. Segas name Ali'itasi comes from a grand aunt of theirs that raised their dad. So it really is an honor for our baby girl to be named after 'Alilia and Ali'itasi, being that it's Segas name as well as their grand aunt. =) I love our babies name, but I promise it's not because she's my daughter....more because of how feminine, pretty, and because of where the names actually come from.
Anyway.....There's her story....
I was going to have my cousin do photograph her birth story but being that she had gotten in late that Monday night from Miami travelling with her 3 babies I didn't even dare bother her at 4am. haha Plus I was lookin' all kindza hash after giving birth...hahaha, but I'm glad I actually got to get this out on blog while it's all still very fresh to me. Just within the past 2 weeks of having baby, life has dramatically changed.....for the good though. I thought life had changed after marriage. Well it changed even more after having baby, but I absolutely love every second of it and wouldn't trade it for the world. I love my 'Alilia Ali'itasi Asiata and thank God everyday for such and amazing blessing in my life.
Love you baby girl....
Here are just some pictures from our hospital stay. Thank you to all the wonderful nurses and staff at IMC for such a wonderful experience. And an even bigger THANK YOU to our incredible family and friends who took the time to visit us during this special life changing event, we love you ALL!! XOXO
...going to shower... she always calms down when she holds her daddys finger ....already daddys little girl.... |
...my Delta Girls coming to visit the newest edition to the Delta Fam... ;) Aunty Leah, Aunty Aida, and Aunty Eta |
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....didn't make it to my work shower they had for me, so they brought my shower to me.... best CoWoRkErs and team EVER =) |
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...of course SHE would take over MY bed... |
....twinners?.... |
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....chunky monkey & chunky MOMMY's face... ewww....but i love it because it's our first picture =) |
We start em young |
Thank you Aunty Sela & Aunty Saga for the Ute gear! |
Omg!! Loved the story!! Congrats Leta! I too absolutely love baby's name!! Straight A's! Umas to baby from rai&i! love you guys!
ReplyDeleteShe is a beauty!! Congrats Asiata Family :)
ReplyDeletebeautiful!! good thing she has your hubby's nose... and not the BIG fonua nose... hahahhaa. GORGEOUSSSSS!! love you guys
ReplyDeleteFreaking beautiful story, mommy, and daughter!! Congrats Leta!