Thursday, December 5, 2013

...our Hero...

Our little family of 3 and a half had planned to spend Halloween with the Asiata's in Minnesota. It had been well over due since we seen them so our trip was planned a little over a month and we were anxious to get out there. I had an appointment Tuesday (Oct. 29) for baby so we were going to go to that and then catch the next flight out to Minnesota. It was Monday evenging around 8p and Matt and Shawn had been texting  to verify flight details on our arrival for the next day. Alilia and I were at my parents house when I got a text from Tangi asking if I was with Shawn, which I wasn't he was at his parents place in Bountiful. She had mentioned that Shawn had pocket dialed Matt and someone was crying in the background. I didn't think anything of it I just assumed Shawn was getting lectured or something I left it alone. She then text back again and said she thinks something bad happened, but they're trynna figure it out because now Shawns not answering. =/ I was stuck between being worried and a bit irritated he wasn't ansering now..... I had just been texting Shawn within the last 20 minutes and he had literally just got off the phone talking to Alilia before Tangi had text me, then I text him and no response. I called his phone...and no answer. I then text Tangi to just let me know if she finds out anything.
Tangi (text):  Lauiga got in an accident and didn't make it.
I'm sitting there thinking everything possible besides what was really going on in my head.
Me: Didn't make what?

Then we stopped texting because by now, my levels of panicking were increasing. I called Shawn again... this time he answered but didn't say anything, all I could hear in the background was crying and screaming. By now my level of worrying were pretty high and I was scared. I hung up because I didn't want to believe anything I was hearing or anything going on. My phone then rang and it was Shawn, and of course I ask him a question I already know the answer to. "Are you okay?".... what the heck, OF COURSE NOT. All he said was his dad was in an accident and asked if we could meet him at the hospital in Murray because dad might be there. Without hesitation I began to dress Alilia. By then my dad knew what was going on because he had already started getting phone calls from friends asking if my father in law was okay.
Seriously? How did people already know stuff and our family hasn't even got any confirmation about anything? As I'm dressing baby as quickly as possible I then get a text from Sina (sister in law) that they're almost to IMC. I found some kind of peace in that because if he is at IMC at least we know he's okay and still with us. Getting Alilia ready and all together to go seemed like forever but I couldn't leave her because going to the hospital with no expectations of anything might just be Alilias last time seeing her Papa, so she HAD TO GO. It was just a matter of time getting her in the car. Just as I was putting Alilia in her car seat my dad turns on the tv and of course the accident is on the news. I glanced over to the tv and saw the accident. My heart dropped and all the peace I felt was gone.
Thank goodness my parents live right by the hospital so we seriously got there within 5 minutes. All the family was outside of the emergency room just waiting. When I got to Shawn he embraced me and wouldn't let go. He cried, and I cried. We were helpless and I couldn't even imagine what he was going through. He said they had no records on Lauiga there and that they were waiting for a trooper to come back. Soon after the trooper pulled up and came to talk to us. He then reported that my father in law was the driver of the accident and was pronounced dead at the site. ='( My heart sunk to its lowest and us, along with the rest of our family there lost it. I had to pull it together and be strong for my husband because at that point there was nothing anyone could say or do to put his feelings at ease or make the situation better. So if anything I had to keep it together and no matter what be there for my in laws, especially my husband.

I've lost aunts, uncles, grand fathers, and cousins whom I was close to but this by far was the hardest for me to face, I'm sure because it was MY husbands father and just with everything it almost seemed impossible to even endure. We grew so much and learned a lot about each other and the amount of love we had for each other that particular week but even with all that it still seemed so unreal. We met a ton of new people and a lot of family (me especially still being a newby in the family) and the amount of love that was shown towards my father in law and our family was incredible. I found myself upset through the first part of the week because I would sit and find myself questioning our Heavenly Father about WHY he did the things he did. Why my father in law had to go NOW? Why did he have to go out THAT way? Why? I mean seriously who the heck am I to even be asking such questions?....uhh yeah NO ONE. Definitely a reality check. It wasn't so much of crying because he was gone, although YES I was sad he was but I KNEW he was in a much better place. I knew he was finally rested from this crazy world. However, I was upset with myself for questioning the Lords reasons. I'll admit I did feel a bit cheated because my kids won't have their "PAPA" here on earth with them. Alilia was so young, what memories would she have of him?...umm none. That's what made me a bit upset. I'm just grateful that Shawn comes from a strong family oriented foundation that made it much easier to get through that week and the knowlege that i have of the gospel eased all the questions and pain I had been feeling.

 There was seriously nothing negative anyone could say about my father in law. When I think about it even if you dug deep down into someone's past, when they are as sincerely sweet, humble, honest, and genuinely a good loving person there's no way you can find anything bad about them. And that, was Lauiga. For me personally, besides my own father he was one of my own heros. One of THE most amazing individuals in my life. Someone I could truly look up to and want my own son to be like.

My fondest memory of my father in law was ever since I met him back even before Shawn and I were even an item he was always so sweet and welcoming. And after Shawn and I got together he was even nicer to me...probably because he knew I would get that boy in check. ;) hahaha... Every single time I'd see him (even after getting married) he would always be so happy to see me, especially ALILIA, I loved it. Always smiling and just approachable and loveable. Sometimes, his gigantic heart made our family mad because he always let his love and respect for others get in the way... lol I swear my husband gets his characteristics from his dad. haha. TOO NICE. ehh... but thats good when he's married to a witch like myself. ;) It definitely evens us out. I admired how he was so supportive of his kids and their sports. He was so proud and an amazing 'personal' coach, who never critiqued in a negative way, but always inspired and motivated them in ways to do better. And I truly believe that's why the boys play the way they do. =)

I could seriously go on and on about how wonderful of a man he was and the impact he left on so many people, but I'll save that for my journal and story telling nights with my kids. I truly loved him and admired his loving effect he had on all he came in contact with. My kids will know all about him like he is still here. I hope Shawn and I can raise our children in such a way that through our examples they can live a life like their grand father did. Hard working. Humble. Loving. and ALWAYS putting his family before EVERYTHING. He is missed everyday but he is always in our hearts and its comforting to know that through our Heavenly Fathers PERFECT plan if we live the way we should we will see him again.


  1. Sissy... This is a beautiful tribute!.. Any family is blessed to have you! Church is true and the plan is real. I am here for you always. Love you so much!

  2. Aww, thanks for sharing. My heart goes out to your family, especially you MIL!
