Sunday, July 12, 2015

...asiata party of 4...

So we've well established that I am horrible at blogging so I'm not even gonna try and redeem myself. I am going to try [again] to keep up with my blog (don't laugh) only because I'm forever explaining my life when posting pics on facebook or instagram and I'm sure no one cares lol.

Not much has happened since my last post except LIFE.... haha
We actually moved to West Valley and are on our own (finally haha). Although it was challenging to get use to (because we've been totally spoiled and living with family since we got married) it's been wonderful. Of course we miss our live in babysitters and paying only a tenth of what we pay now but we absolutely love our own space and privacy, and that's what matters.

Our son Lauina turned one in May. He's at about 25 lbs, wears a 2T, size 6 in shoes, loves the water, and eats eeeeeverthing. He is the sweetest baby boy who just loves and adores his older sister. He's so friendly and submissively allows her to rip toys out of his hand, give free horsey back rides, and shower him with lots of kisses while hugging him tightly a.k.a. holding him in a choke hold lol. I know my days are numbered kissing him a million times a day so I'm just gonna continue to do so while he lets me.

Our Alilia.....She is 3 now and is a ball of energy. She is about 27 lbs (YES, only 2 lbs heavier than her brother) and we are still trying to get her to eat. The day she eats as much as her brother will be a big celebration. Her iron levels are even now and she's in good health so that's a blessing for me, and her because she swears her [iron] medicine is the death of her lol... She reminds me so much of me though when I was younger I wasn't a girly/girl or a tomboy, I loved everything. Everything from ninja turtles to My Little Pony interest me. If Alilia had a choice though, she'd live in the water, she is our Little Mermaid. As of late she is obsessed with rice crispy treats and helping me around the house. She's an awesome big sister and is always looking out for her brother, it truly is the most adorable thing to me.

Honestly, I have no clue how I ever lived life before my kids. They are my world and I thank our Heavenly Father for them each day. Life gets so crazy and we get caught up in criticizing ourselves whether it's our own personal issues, issues with others, or issues at work and school but one things for sure, whenever I see my kids they are a reminder that being their mommy is the most important thing and a reminder that it is my duty to be the best mommy, protector, and lover... Knowing that I have beautiful little people that depend on me for that alone is my reason for living. Shawn and I are doing great. We learn each day a little more about each other, what makes us happy, and also what buttons to push when we're upset with each other lol. He's the most adorable daddy to our kids. It's so fun to watch him with them, I thoroughly love sitting back and watching him rule his role as their father. I honestly wouldn't want to tag team with anyone else but him on this parenting rollercoaster. I can't wait to see how he handles them as they age. He has also been an incredible spouse. Like every marriage we share our differences but I can honestly say he makes me so happy. He puts me and the kids above all other things and we have a ton of fun and never ending belly aches from laughing. We have an incredible support system that loves the heck out of us and for that we are truly grateful.

Life is a bliss with these gems...we are truly blessed.

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