Thursday, March 3, 2011

[10 years and 2 months]

Fact: I despise going to the dentist.
Fiction: It's the dentists fault.
For as long as I can remember, I've always dreaded visits to the dentist.
I've never had any problems with my teeth, or even had to do any major work on it (thank goodness)...but, I still hate going there.
I'd rather get shots then going to the dentist....................seriously.
At least shots hurt for a second and then I'm good. Not like bad tooth aches that last all night and day...and the next day and the next, and then gives you a headache. ugh!
I just don't like all the action, feeling, and sounds that takes place in my mouth. It literally makes my teeth grind and my head hurt. Now... I know I wouldn't mind it as much if I took better care of my teeth. I mean not that I don't brush my teeth day and night and floss and all that good stuff, I just know I could take better care of it. Floss more carefully, brush more often after meals, use flouride more frequently, and just watch what I partake that way my teeth doesn't change colors.......but, I don't do it the way I should, so in results to that.....I don't like the dentist. haha 
It's not that I don't like my dentist or hygenist, because I actually LOOOOVE em. The whole office, I love them all, especially since my aunt happens to work there. ;) 
I've had the same dentist for the past 15 years. And out of that 15 years I've seen him four times. Today, being the fourth. Perfect huh?! haha 

The last time I paid a visit to my dentist was 10 years and 2 months ago. How bad is that?? =( So shame. The real reason why I haven't been the past 6 years is because I had no insurance. I was under my dads insurance until I was 21, but because of my great love for the dentist I never took advantage of seeing him. lol....and then, I had to pay for it when I was removed from daddys insurance. =(  Since then I haven't had insurance of my own until now. As much as I didn't want to see the dentist I knew it was a must to take advantage of it, especially since Delta Dental takes $50 out of my check for dentistry. So..... I scheduled and ta da.... saw him today. With my check up today I got some good and bad news.

Good News:

the hygenist: "When was the last time you whitened your teeth??"
me: "I never have..."
the hygenist: "Wow, well your teeth are really white for not ever whitening.."
well that made me happy, even though I swear my teeth are yellow. haha..

Bad News:
I have 3 cavities. That's not too bad for not seeing the dentisit in 10 years and 2 months right?? ;)

Bad/Good News:
My crowned baby tooth that has been bothering me for the past few months is going to have to be pulled (OUCH!, I'm dreading the day that comes) =( 
and I will have to get an implant that will eventually fix my tooth that never grew in, after that my cavities will be filled and I'll be doing some cosmetic work for a straighter smile, therefore, I'll have NO PROBLEMS anymore. =)

So all in all, the dentist wasn't that bad....or as bad as I thought it was. I loved how even though it's been 10 years and 2 months since I've seen everyone at Fashion Place Dental, it felt like I took a leave of absence for 10 years and 2 months. I felt right at home, and I know now why I've stayed loyal to them. So there it is, I don't haaate going to the dentist, I just gotta suck it up because after all they're helping me out that way I don't look like this guy!!! ;p 

One funny thing that my seminary teacher once told me was that staying on top of scripture reading is kind of like brusing your teeth. If you wait til the end of the year to brush your teeth
[or read your scriptures]
there's really no use. Your teeths already rotten. So you either keep up with it through out the year or deal with a sore tooth.........and a miserable confused life at the end of the year. ;p haha

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