Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[Return with Honor]

This past weekend I went back to Hawaii for my cousin Franks homecoming. (Franks mom is my dad's only living sister) She's a single parent, and quite an aaaamazing one. When Frank was about 12 (i think) my mom went down to Hawaii for one of her many trips there and was informed that Aunty La (Franks mom) was having trouble with him which led to mom bringing Frank back with her because she knew aunty La did NOT need any more on her plate than she already had...... oh yeah, also promising Aunty La that she would NOT baptize Frank to our LDS faith
Long story short- Frank lived for us until he graduated. He was never baptized but always attended church with us. Surprisingly my parents never pressured him to join the church as I thought they would. haha... Through out all those years Frank had gained his own testimony of the gospel and when he reached the age of 18 he returned to Hawaii to tell his mom he was being batized to the "mormon" faith. My aunt has ALWAYS been the most understanding person growing up. She didn't agree with his choice of converting over but didn't discourage it....too much. haha. In fact she was very understanding about it all.
Frank returned to Utah, got baptized, graduated from high school, returned to Hawaii and told my aunty and grandma he was going on a mission. paternal grandfather was a chariman of the whole south pacific in the Methodist church and so my grandmother and just my dad's whole family are pretty strong in their own faith, so you can just imagine what was going through my grandmas head when she was hit with all the new info from Frank. We always teased that Frank was grandmas favorite until all of this...haha.
Once again my aunt and grandma didn't encourage an LDS mission but also didn't discourage it, i think, mostly because they've seen the blessings that come with those that serve the Lord whether or not they're of the same religious beliefs. God is the same no matter what Christian religion we are...the only difference with us is that we have the keys of the priesthood that unlock the fullness of the gospel. =) Aren't we so blessed to know that?? YES WE ARE!!! ;)

Anywho..... Frank was called to serve in the Denver Colorado South Mission. LOL... not even far from home like we imagined he would be but a missions a mission right?? haha... and that's where the Lord needed him. He returned with honor last wednesday. Thankfully he flew on Delta so that I could see him. My brother and sisters came up to the gate to meet him through his conncections. It was so nice....Jeff started crying it was hilarious. I wish I would've had my camera out to video tape it. Frankie and I were making fun of him the whole time...until he started crying again hahaha If you know Jeff you know why it's funny that HE was crying. Such good sisters we are huh?? ;p Lol
[Lafi...Franks bf before the mish]
Well, I didn't know it because I was busy working that day but his conncection flight to Hawaii had cancelled so he got rebooked for the next day. He stayed over and just the short time he was there all of his close friends came to see him. It was so nice. The Elder caught his flight out early the next day and arrived home in one piece to some overly excited family and friends. =)

His farewell was awesome and the spirit there was very fulfilling. He's grown so much and I'm so happy for him. He has that missionary glow that all RMs have, hopefully that lasts long. haha.. But I love the way he's grown and how he speaks about the gospel, the spirit he's brought back is one that makes you want to serve the Lord. It makes me regret not ever going. =/  I'm so jealous of a good way though. hahaha Maybe I still can?? ;) lol.... na j/k. We had an eating after at a park in Waipio, and seeing the 808 Mapus again was also very nice. (2x in ONE month...that never happens unless there's a There were so many people that came in and out bringing food and gifts for him. I hope Frank never forgets how loved he is. He's definitely returned with honor and I'm glad I was able to be there to witness the love and support... Love You Frank =)

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