Friday, October 14, 2011

[ geniuses. 2Legit2Quit. AMAMAMAZZZING. ]

GOD IS GOOD....all the time.
ALL THE TIME.....God is Good!

I love the difference I feel between "PURE" happiness and any other kind of {temporary} happiness.
It's funny how much easier life gets when ya make right decisions.......booo to me for slacking at times. =(
Right now life's at peace......and I'm simply grateful.

Like I've said in previous posts, I've picked up on my music A LOT lately, thanks to my boys that believe in me 100%. I always wanted to do more, but I felt so limited because tons of reasons. Shawn see's my potential when it's just us & really pushed me to pursue it, Josh (White) opened up the opportunity a bit more, and my family [my MAIN SUPPORT SYSTEM] stood by me with it all, and continue to stay right by me. Gollee....i love em!
I've had tons of opportunities to get into the studio (free of charge), play around a little, and lay stuff down. 
Tonight though, was something different. 
I don't wanna sound cocky or whatever because if you're ever in the studio with me, YOU KNOW I'm not. lol... but I feel something GREAT coming along. 
I love the GENIUSES I've been working with, they seriously WORK MAGIC!

I don't know any other family [besides mine] that has reunions 
Nonetheless, I love em all and am super excited for our 'Olive Reunion this weekend. 
If you're not doing anything this weekend come check it out- this side of my family and this reunion are always 2 Legit 2 Quit!

Now, I've been meaning to write up on this guy since his farewell just because from that day and his talk I knew he was ready for what he was about to face the next 2 years. 
 This is my younger cousin Muka.
A.K.A. Elder Atiga

 {thanks Tang for the pics}

Like I said, after Muka delivered his talk at this farewell I noticed such a difference in him. He was beaming w/the right spirit. Just being around him the last few months honestly lifted my spirit because of how positive, mature, and spiritually he's grown. I LOVE IT! His missionary glow illuminated more every time I saw him, til the last time I seen him on his farewell. The day of his farewell He showed me the difference between missionaries that are just going on their missions to go......and those that are going because their own desire....because they know the Lord needs them, and most of all because they want nothing more than to share the good word w/our brothers and sisters around the world and bring em back to Christ!
  3 things I hope for w/Elder Atiga heading out:
1.) I hope Anaheim is ready for this guy......he seriously is going to be a AMAMAMAZZZZING

2.) I hope he remembers the 2 names he will be carrying.
{Atiga AND Jesus Christ}
which I'm pretty sure he won't because I KNOW he'll be AMAMAMAMAMAZZZZING!!!

3.) I hope HIS FAMILY is ready for the blessing's in store for them because of his willingness to serve. He will be AMAMAMAMAZZZING!!

Git it Elder! 


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