Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[ JOHN O. ]

...not John Q. haha... but my grandfather. This past weekend was our family reunion for his side of family (his siblings and their posterity). Hours of planning, money raised, pay docked from time taken off of work, and lots of gas used by those travelling from afar was well worth it. It was so much fun getting together with our big family. I never realized how many kids their are in our family....I swear it doubled just from last years reunion, and that wasn't even a quarter of the family that attended. Myyyy Goodness...

Day 1: Our first night was dedicated to our Grandma Leveni Kaufusi. The only living sister/sibling. She turned 85 years old and we decided we'd open up the first night in honor of her. It was an "all white" party and turned out pretty nice.

Day 2: We had our Halloween Party that included tons of things for aaaalll the millions of kids, from game booths, prizes, contests, a haunted house, a trunk or treat outside, and lots of dancing. I think the adults probably had more fun than the kids. lol. It was so nice.

Day 3: We closed our reunion off w/a musical fireside. As children of our grandparents/aunts/uncles stood before us reminiscing and sharing their testimonies we had amazing musical numbers. Each inviting the spirit so strongly, I loved it. As I sat back there and took in everything the speakers were saying, one thing came to mind. I MISS GRANDPA SIONE. That's my grandfather that connects us to this family reunion.
I thought of my own memories I shared with him and just couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I miss him so much. And although I was young when he passed (i think i was about 7 or so) I still learned a great deal from him. Everyone in our family (and even outside our family that knows him) speaks of how spiritual of a man he was....and that's just right. Even at my young age, he taught me to love God. He planted that seed in me to press forward and DO WHATS RIGHT.

Just a few stories came to mind as I sat there....
1.) When I was young, I had a blue crayon box that broke. I was devastated that it wouldn't snap and close anymore. I took it to grandpa upon one of our visits because I remember mom always bragging that Grandpa had good 'handy man' skills....or whatev- so I took my blue crayon box and asked him if he could help me fix it. He took out his lighter, lit it, did something to the box, BURNT HIS FINGER, then WAAAH was fixed. I was so impressed and so happy it was fixed yet really sad that he had hurt himself fixing MY box. I cried... but I'm still not sure if those were tears of happiness that my box was fixed, or if it was because I was sad he was sucking his thumb where it had But after that incident I thought he was the most amazing man ever....and I sure thought he knew how to fix EVERYTHING! lol...

2.) There are 5 of us first cousins that are all the same age (Ofa, Me, Leki, Walter, and Monti)....I'm the only girl. So most of the time, I always got my way......if you're tongan you understand why. haha.. One day....I think now, it was probably the only day, and only time that grandpa had been babysitting us 4 (me, ofa, walt, and leki). We ran to Smiths down the street and grandpa told us to wait in the car he'd be real quick. While he was gone....I don't know what happened but Ofa (who had aaaalways been the bad one out of all of us) went to the drivers seat and pressed on the brakes {of course the brake lights in the back went on}....after me and Leki yelled at him and we began fighting grandpa opened the door, yelled at us to hush, then asked us why we were fighting. No one said a this day we still don't sell each other out, or at least we try not to. ;) hahaha.. then Grandpa asked if someone had come to the drivers seat and pressed on the brake. No one still said anything... hahahaha.... He then gave us a big guilt trip about lying and....that he also seen the brake lights go on while he was in the store. haha I totally told on Ofa....and Leki backed me up. Snitches??? SOOOO WHAT?? lol... I felt bad for O but I was more scared of grandpa and was not trynna get slapped by his big hands.

3.) My grandparents were rich with blessings because of their righteousness and devotion to God....but unfortunately weren't rich with money, and I knew that. They migrated from Tonga with 10 kids and 4 adopted, so just making a living in the U.S. was a challenge in itself. Since we were younger we were just always taught to 'NEVER ask ANYONE for money', and I didn't. One day when walking out of grandma and grandpas house, as I reached up on grandpas lazy boy to give him a kiss and hug goodbye he slipped me a $5 bill. (back then $5 was a lot okay...) I was so happy......but felt so guilty taking his money. I felt even more guilty when my mom looked at me with her eyeballs like "what are you doing, give his money back!" lol.... So i gave it back to grandpa w/o hesitation. He once again threw it to me and told me to take it. My mom exclaimed this time that it was okay....for him to just keep his money. I wanted to say "mom...are you fuuuhhrrrreakin serious...i'm hellah broke!" ;) LOL... So I walked out not even trying to look back at grandpa. He then pulled my hand and pulled me up (because back then, I had weighed about 30 lbs...maybe less lol) and said, "It's you're money, do what you want, and DON'T FORGET to PAY YOUR TITHING!" I then knew why my grandparents were so rich in blessings. From that day on I learned about tithing, that whether it be a gift or not.....give to the Lord and you'll receive double blessings in return.

My grandpa was an amazing man. Thanks to this reunion it made me realize how much i missed much my family missed him and needed him. But being around HIS family was comforting in itself, in a huge way. I felt him there the whole time, along with his other siblings and loved ones who have passed on already.  And then it made me think... everything about the gospel proves it truthfulness. What would be our point here on earth if we had nothing to look forward to after we die?? I love that the gospel makes losing a loved one so dear to your heart so bearable. I'm grateful to know that I actually have something to look forward to in the next life. Not that I want to die any time soon, but.... I can't wait to reunite with my grandpa and loved ones who have passed......and to have our own reunion- all together. I love my grandpa....John O! I miss his face, his voice, his council, his smile, his calling of grandma Ika to do everything, his singing, him calling me over to massage his feet lol, and most of all HIS love. ;(

Love You Grandpa Sione-

oh btw....some other interesting facts I learned about my great grandma at this reunion:

* Grandma Luisa spoke fluent Samoan
*Grandma Luisa was a 'smoker' LOL

funny right? haha... Can't wait to meet them {again}.

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