Thursday, April 19, 2012

[wrecked] our latest appt, had to take the glucose drink...
GROSS! but crossing we're good on gestational diabetes. 
I consider myself pretty lucky but it's more along the lines of, simply blessed. Since I've been pregnant I haven't had any problems, besides getting fat lol. No morning sickness', no throwing up, no heartburn, no cravings, etc....oh and on top of all of that, with our doctors appointments we've been blessed with news that baby is growing right and healthy so I can positively say  it's been a pretty smooth kind of pregnancy [insert joyful, relieved, happy face]. 

Now if anything, I've noticed that in the past 3 weeks or so I've been an emotional wreck. I didn't say much because I thought it was the "wedding" stress that was getting to me (even though my wedding wasn't stressful to me at all haha). Then, after the wedding and even with starting marriage and all the changes that have occured I've been a pretty happy camper (you know if you follow my blog and/or instagram haha), it really has been great. But...... dun dun dun...... haha- I've realized that I get emotional about things I don't normally get emotional about.Did that make sense? lol.

For example:
Like I had mentioned in my post prior to this one, we attended Tehamatas Tahiti Fet this past weekend. We got there just as ages 4-5 were competing against each other. I was so excited to see them perform. After tearing up and then trying to hold back any tears, crossing my fingers no tears would fall  (because that would just be so lame if I was crying at a tahiti fet lol) all I seriously kept thinking about was "I can't wait til my daughter enters these fets!!" lol... Or at least starts dancing. I pray that she'll be as passionate about dancing and singing as much as I am... or at least performing. I love performing so I hope if any of me rubs off on her, it's that. hahaha.. and if not then she better be a good athlete and competitive like her and if not that then it doesn't matter, I will love her the same.

Another example:
Just between conversations I have with Shawn and others...but mostly with Shawn, I find that I get easily offended by things he would say, or says, which at any other time I totally wouldn't mind it...or I'd probably say something mean back haha. But I didn't, I was just offended. And I KNOW he didn't even mean it like that- it was the way I took it. So after being all depressed and offended for about 2 hours (haha) I realized this had to just be part of the pregnancy....or i hope at least haha.

Then I thought of Wirthlins talk and quote: "Come what may and Love it...." and I thought about my whole pregnancy. I've definitely had a good one that I can't really complain about and above all things just the experience alone has been such a beautiful one. Just the fact of knowing I have a little human being in there fascinates the heck out of me. Feeling her movements (even though they are keeping me up at night now) is such an amazing feeling. My weight gain, which I think has been the suckiest part of this, doesn't really bother me to much because I'd much rather be a fat mama than have an unhealthy baby.I'm glad my family is there for me and to have Shawn by my side the whole way just makes everything perfect.

Over all though, I really had to take a step back and look at this whole experience. I'm blessed and seriously can NOT complain about life at all right now. I will proudly admit praying together as a couple and fasting has really helped A LOT....more than I could ever imagine. And on the days that we forget to pray together.... oh how Satan works us. hahahaha... 
28 weeks...entering my last trimester. 

So if anything, I'm glad that the Lord's opened up my eyes to see my situation in a whole different way. To take a step back and realize that even though I might be feeling a little depressed or offended for a few hours, I really am blessed with the best around me. I have an awesome support system that I wouldn't trade the world for, an amazing companion that adores the heck out of me pregnant and fat or not lol, and a healthy baby girl.
 I still can't even wrap myself around the fact that in less than 3 months we will meet our baby girl. She has no idea how much we're trying to prep for her to meet this world. I don't even think she knows how much in love I am with her and stoked to have her here. I also still hope she is down to enter competitions and just love the stage. ;) haha... So here's to baby whom we still don't have a name for. lol...

1 comment:

  1. Look at your belly.... Awww, I miss you so much! :) You;re going to be such a good Mommy.. Love you sister and proud of you! COME SEE US SOON now that you added your hubby to your benefits hahaha
